[center][h1][color=darkgreen]Linkle[/color][/h1][/center] [center][h3][color=red]Merge Rate: 33%[/color][/h3][/center] [center]Word Count: 952 [/center] [center][color=darkgreen]Level 10[/color] - (27/100) + 2[/center] [center]Location: Frozen Highlands ~ Snowdin [/center] [@Dark Cloud][@Majoras End] [hr][hr] Frisk and Papyrus both seemed pretty out of it. She supposed getting thrown into the deep end of monster fighting and dungeon delving would do that to you. She flashed back to how she had clammed up after her parents had been killed. She had hoped giving them something to do would help put their minds at ease, but maybe they just needed time? She just hoped they weren't as shaken up as she had been. So she went in and packed all of Treat's things herself (save for the magic fireplace which was way too heavy to pull down the mountain) and, taking hold of one half of the sled, slid it as gently as possible down the mountain and into the town itself. She marveled at how much bigger Snowdin was than it had seemed from the distance. Albedo led the group round to a street where what Linkle initially mistook for giant snowmen sat amid the quiet houses. As they got close enough to see the undersides of the noses that jutted out from them, though, she realized that they were in fact giant cannons. Maybe even giant robots. There was no time to consider that as Albedo pointed out a particular house. Linkle parked the sled next to the door and then reached down and princess carried Treat to the door with minimal effort, heedless of the taller girl's weak protests. What opened the door wasn't a doctor like she expected, but a big cat. Before Linkle could react it had bowed and greeted Albedo and the rest of them like a perfect gentlemen. Linkle kicked her shoes on the side of the door, then turned sideways and crab walked inside The cat, Dromarch as he introduced himself, set about answering the question of how exactly you open a door with no hands by using his dexterous tail. Link watched with interest as she set Treat down so she could sit on the sofa and then monopolized the seat closests to the fire. The tiger turned out to be the healers…pet? Familiar? Servant? Whatever he was, Linkle eagerly raised her hand for cocoa while they waited. Frisk spoke at that too, to Linkle’s relief. They turned chatty, trying to hearten Papyrus and it was during this conversation that Linkle learned that they were friends. Not only friends, they were from the same world! Not just the world, they were both from this town! Papyrus, sufficiently mollified by his friend, even turned out to have a house which he generously offered to let Treat stay in. “You guys are so lucky you ended up home. Most people I’ve talked to have been scattered to the four winds. I’ve seen, like, three pieces of Hyrule since I started traveling and I don’t think any of them were even from my time. Your house could be your house, but from the future!” This speculation was put on the back burner as Frisk expressed interest in both her and Albedo’s powers. “If you’re talking about my ice magic, I’m not sure how it works. It’s sort of like my ears, it’s not really mine. Here, let me show you something.” She reached into her belt and pulled out the bottle where she had stored the creepy man’s spirit and held it up so the two of them could see it floating around in there. “Everyone in the world has a spirit like this. When they die the spirit drifts for a little while before…disappearing? Going to the afterlife?” She looked over at Albedo, an implicit question about where spirits go when they vanish dancing in her eyes. “Well, anyway, if you get them before that you can fuse with them and become part…them?” She dumped the spirit out of the bottle into her palm, holding it up to her chest. “If you put it in here, you get their powers.” She moved it up to her head. “Up here, and that will let you know stuff that they knew. Not memories, but practical stuff. How to shoot guns, how to fight with a sword, how to cook. Stuff like that.” She took the spirit and squeezed it back into the bottle. “You can also make friends with them, so you can summon them for a little while, or crush them and turn them into an item.” “I didn't know the girl I got my ice powers from.” She said, a regretful tinge in her voice for a moment. “I got her spirit from someone else she had fought. She’s the one that lets me make ice whenever I concentrate on it. Before that all I could do was store up magic and use it to make myself really strong. I don’t know how or why she could do this, just that she could. So now, I can.” She felt like she could trust the three of them with that sort of information. They seemed like regular, killing averse people. Not like people that would go out and start slaughtering their neighbors for the sake of power. As though they needed another reason not to, though, she flicked her bangs. “Also she turned my hair this color. I used to be blonder than Albedo. Plus, I think I inherited a nasty temper from her. It’s weird, but it’s been super useful so far. Also super unfair, because I’m sure you guys all had to study hard for all your magic.” She leaned forward after Albedo had had his turn. “Now you guys have to tell me about this cool world where monsters and humans live underground together and haven't wiped one another out. That sounds wild. How much of Snowdin is still Snowdin?”