[center][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5333266][img]https://i.imgur.com/28F0hnk.png[/img][/url][/center] [h3]--The Commune of Crow's Nest--[/h3] It had only been a few days since Ionna arrived at the peculiarly-named "Crow's Nest" base of operations, but the white-haired Revenant sure acclimatized herself quick. She had already claimed a spare room for herself and socialized with most of the Commune-ity, some more than others such as the hardworking and compassionate Erik, the silent and thoughtful Ajax, and the aloof and stern Poppy just to name a few. In fact, these were the first three people she met here and for a good reason, the trio were the group's leader figure in lieu of a lack of official hierarchy. Oh, there was also the squad’s gadget-person, Lysandra, who seemed to be super smart, the smartest one around even. She was currently using the big telescope, using her big brain to scout the landscape even though she couldn't walk. While the grown-ups were discussing important stuff, Ionna was lounging on the floor, literally lying on the hard stone tiles while her hands held up a book above her eyes, a graphic novel that she recently nabbed from the library. Its contents retelling the story of a human boy who was raised by apes and grew up thinking he's one... until he met another human that he began to realize this odd sense of kinship he had with this strange creature, who was hairless like him! [color=a772ce][b]"Oooh..."[/b][/color] The petite girl made a little noise of curious excitement, prompting her companion crow - Laplace - to tilt his head in shared curiosity, beady eyes focusing at the book while his feet were perched on Ionna's scalp. Alas, he couldn't find out what was so interesting about a bunch of black squiggles-on-white. [i]But[/i], you know what's interesting? Upon Cerise and Licorice's entrance, Laplace immediately noticed them and took off from Ionna's head to beeline at the latter, no doubt much to the older corvid's chagrin. [b]"Squawk squawk~"[/b] The chipper young crow - barely older than a year - landed near his kin then tap-tapped his spindly feet to get all up in Licorice's personal space. His head twitched here and there, a common set of movements to corvids and birds in general. Indeed, it wouldn't take a genius to see that he was excited to finally be able to meet his people; while the young crow would always be grateful to Ionna for saving his life and welcomed the idea of staying with her for the rest of his life, he wouldn't squander the chance to relate with his kindred, especially when the opportunity presented itself. Crows are pack animals for a reason after all. The place sure could use more crows around, particularly considering its name and all that. While the two crows - one-sidedly - played around, Ionna shifted her attention away from the book and tilted her head up even further, ending up with an upside-down perspective of the room, apparently not minding it in the least. She noticed that two more had joined them, the chipper and kindhearted Cerise, followed shortly after by the tough and vigilant Dallas. [color=a772ce][b]"Morning, Cherry! Morning, Dallas!"[/b][/color] The floor-bound girl curled a grin, sporting the two elongated sharp fangs behind her upper lip before returning her attention to the book... or not. As when the eager and dauntless Vincent exclaimed about knocking some Lost heads, Ionna promptly put her book down, stood up, dusted herself off, and dashed to take position beside the central stone table, in that specific order. [color=a772ce][b]"Yeah! When do we head out, guys?!"[/b][/color] The balls of her feet shifted up and down as golden slitted eyes scoured over the map. Though she was missing her signature gear; coat, gauntlets, horns, and tail-whip, the diminutive revenant still looked ready if a fight should happen right then and there.