[center][h2]Louisa Faye[/h2][/center] Louisa wasn't sure a person's buffet selection was a particularly fair judge of their character, but as she stood examining her plate of beans (plain), rice (plain) and as much tuna (plain) as she could convince the kitchen to give her, she couldn't help but feel like it said something about her character relative to the other Pilots. She wasn't sure how food worked beyond 'maximum carbs, maximum protein', and as one of the oldest Pilots onboard (or so she was told), she felt asking for help would be too embarassing. As a result, her usual approach was to eat when no one else was around. Unfortunately, today that wasn't an option. She had woken up late, spent an extra hour in the physical training facilities, and had only half-changed out of her workout leotard before realising she barely had time to eat before the briefing. Mechframe sortie days were always like this. She got in her head - probably the nerves - and sleeping or working out was all she could do to keep her mind steady. So, now there was no alternative than joining the others. Still... given some of the awful examples of human beings she had to eat with back in the evacuee camps, and given in a few hours they would be fighting tooth and nail with aberrant alien lifeforms... having lunch with her pretty smiling team-mates in the luxury dining lounge aboard The Horizon didn't seem so bad. Walking over to the table where Elise and Pyra were sitting with her plate in-hand, she sat down quickly and smiled. [b]"Good mor-..."[/b] Wait, what time was it? [b]"...-I mean, what's good, guys?"[/b]