[CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210117/7423788cb403d4c94cda8db158b092fa.png[/img][/CENTER] [indent][indent][indent][color=gray][sub][right][color=dc143c][b]Location:[/b][/color] Laughing Worg Tavern -- City-State of Thorinn, Aetheria[/right][/sub][/color] [hr]Graves was quiet for a few moments as he chewed on the protests from the others. Artemis wondered if these disappearances weren’t connected as Seele and Alex’s investigation made them out to be. It was possible, he agreed; the world had changed rapidly beneath them and they still hadn’t caught their footing. If dungeons could spawn under a place like Thorinn then was anything really off the table? He sighed, rubbing his temple with his knuckle. No, this wasn’t the work of some new monster or unknown anomaly. This was a familiar sort of violence that had followed them to Pariah from the old world: wicked men who preyed on the vulnerable for their own gain. He could feel it in the depths of his gut, in the goosebumps on his arms, and in the hairs on his neck. He was rarely so sure of anything anymore as he was of this. And then there was the issue Siegfried raised. His reservations were sensible, of course. Graves found himself nodding gently along with his objections despite giving his blessing to Seele just moments ago. If anything went wrong- anything at all- she could get hurt, or worse. Using live bait was risky business yet he couldn’t see any way out of it. Whoever it was that was taking these mages hadn’t been caught yet; hell, the authorities didn’t even know anything was going on, as far as Graves knew. These people, whoever they were, weren’t going to be caught easily. [color=dc143c]“There’s no other way.”[/color] He looked to Sig, jaw set and eyes narrowed. [color=dc143c]“It’s a shitty hand but it’s the one we’ve gotta play. I don’t like puttin’ Seele in danger any more’n you do.”[/color] Graves did his best to repress the memory of Enos, Atlas, and Aaginim’s final resting place. He hadn’t been there when they died; he’d be there this time. It’d be different. He was sure of it. He turned then to meet Seele’s gaze. He couldn’t conjure the strength to match her smile; not with so much at stake. [color=dc143c]“We’ll stay outta sight but we’ll keep close enough to reach you if anything goes wrong. You’ll be alright. You have my word on that.” [/color] [/indent][/indent][/indent]