[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/myteri-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220108/72b4f2cb5a6175cf8b6624d3a9ac2621.png[/img][/url][/center] [@Liotrent] Bunga tried wandering around. Trying to find this elusive Le Bang Kieu person, silently wandering what kind of clothing he might wear. She knew that the Vietnamese that visited Palembang usually wear flowy clothing, long dresses, silk pants and shirts, and of course, a general shock when they noticed the showcase of skin all around them when they encounter the locals. The amount of comments she received from Chinese and Vietnamese regarding the amount of exposed skin she has is too many to count. She didn't worry about it too much though. If experience had told her something, the Vietnamese and Chinese people she encountered got used to it by a couple of days. Assuming Le had the same... predispositions regarding modesty that is. As the sun's setting, and as her search becomes more and more fruitless, her spirit visibly waned. It's one thing to search for someone for hours on end, but it's a whole 'nother thing to literally find no clues regarding where Le Bang Kieu is during all the hours she spent searching. It's almost like she was searching for a ghost, literally everyone she talked to didn't know where the Vietnamese man is, and sometimes, didn't even know who Le Bang Kieu even was. Feeling a bit dejected. Bunga wandered a little bit aimlessly, now just wanting to get dinner or something. But then someone caught her eye, a man, looking just as dejected as herself, his face pale, his movements slow, seemingly wandering aimlessly as well. Perhaps a kindred soul? She has to get close to him to find out. [color=a36209]"Excuse me?"[/color] She greeted the man, after closing the gap. [color=a36209]"But are you okay? Do you need help?"[/color] [color=a36209]"Ah, sorry for the suddenness of this, but your face looks very pale, and I thought that you might be a bit depressed or something. I'm Bunga Kurniawan, an Egoist."[/color] She hoped that she didn't freak him out or something. Her day just started off on a rather high note, and she wanted to end today on a high note as well.