[hr][h1]James Porter[/h1][hr] [b]"Excuse me? But, are you okay do you need help?"[/b] James turned his attention to the person calling out to him. He was surprised, but it seems that he was a bit careless - his emotions were showing on the surface. What's more is that this person was barely wearing anything. Something he was used to on his foreign assignments, but that is to say, it's always a bit of a shock. [b]"Ah, sorry for the suddenness of this, but your face looks very pale, and I thought that you might be a bit depressed or something. I'm Bunga Kurniawan, an Egoist."[/b] She continued. To James, she seemed friendly and genuinely concerned for his well being. It was a nice change of pace, one he was still not used to, one that he still wondered he deserved. James then chuckled a little then replied in a friendly manner, [b]"It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. My name is James Porter, dynamicist and chemist. I'm quite sorry if I've worried you miss Kurniawan, but I'm quite fine."[/b] He took off his top hat and bowed slightly, gentlemanly as he should, he then turned his attention to her [b]"What about you miss? You seem a bit out of it yourself."[/b] [@kumbaris]