[@Dragoknighte][@rivaan][@Remipa Awesome][@Lewascan2][@Sigil] I'm glad the decision to assist the poor, weary Cecily and sad Miss Lizbeth was a party-wide unanimous affirmation. The object here is to give a good idea of where things are in town, from a character point of view. Also to illustrate a few hot spots. Now, seeing as there is another decision to be reached concerning the wine delivery, the final consensus may or may not effect plot points moving forward. Pick as your characters might and have fun with it. Oh, and for those of you who wanted a brothel in town? You're welcome. Though it's a little more like a Burlesque than anything less savory. We must maintain some element of respectability. Sort of. Or the illusion of respectability. We'll go with that. In any case, however you choose to help these two, be it moral support, parting the crowd for ease of mobility, charisma based roleplay to smooth things over with customers, or just buckling down with muscle work and getting things unloaded (which will be needed regardless of everything else), have this in mind as the posts move along. Any questions while the wagons travel through town or stop at the locations will be sorted. Also a note: The stops, even if it is counterintuitive to locations on the map, will be in the order that Cecily mentioned them. I will go into descriptions with the next update, and you can decide where your interactions and/or investigation goes from there. When the deliveries are complete, it will be nearing late afternoon/early evening. If you have questions, and I'm sure you will, hit me up. When we get through this slightly clunky and awkward section and the characters have absorbed enough knowledge to make it less meta, stuff may proceed at a more manageable level of ...manageableness.