[center]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/center][center][img]https://i.ibb.co/ZcP2js9/Cecily-L-039-Rose.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/vXD6Q0t/Update-Text.png[/img][/center][center]━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━[/center] A series of questions poured from the oddest mercenary group and/or semi-standard adventuring party, the target of which was the somewhat more mature Cecily L'Rose. Fresh details of exhaustion seemed to form across her face. It was like a huge piece of stress had left her body and it was beginning to let her relax, involuntarily if need be. Still she bolstered herself and set to the questions in order that were addressed. [color=darkgray][i]"Oh! Yes of course. I need to get this wine to the people who ordered it. The one..."[/i][/color] Her voice trailed off as she looked into the back of the wagon, doing a quick check to confirm what Kosara had said about the Goblins getting one of the casks. [color=darkgray][i]"We will just have to make some arrangements."[/i][/color] A heavy sigh escaped Cecily before she continued addressing the inquiries set before her. Meanwhile, Lizbeth accepted the hug from Kosara, leaning in and inadvertently wiping her eyes on her new coat. [color=darkgray][i]"Yes, so what I was saying earlier; I have an Innkeeper friend right near to here. It's a humble establishment, so he doesn't usually order the top quality stuff from Rose River. He did this time..."[/i][/color] Cecily's words trailed, then came back to stronger cadence, [color=darkgray][i]"I do worry. One of his barmaids, a young woman named [i]Audrey[/i], went missing recently."[/i][/color] Inquiries about adventurers making trouble actually gave the lady a sort of nervous giggle. [color=darkgray][i]"Oh, that came close to being local legend, even if I don't know exactly what happened."[/i][/color] The smile remained as she related, [color=darkgray][i]"A ways back, the boy from the Rentman Farm (Halflings, good folk too) went away with a bald, grey Gnome over to Fairwater - that's west of here - at their Constable's request to look into something. They got in cahoots with a carnival and routed out some thieves or bandits, or something. If you ask me, that Gnome was a bad influence... Anyway, Cavendish wasn't really happy, but the problem got fixed and he seemed to be okay with it after a while."[/i][/color] She took another thoughtful pause, [color=darkgray][i]"But Cavendish lately seems to have gotten plain irritable. At everything. I don't think it's because of the Rentman boy and that Gnome, but he would've made me plenty angry. The um, the Gnome, I mean. Met him one time. It was enough."[/i][/color] She shuddered once and got back to her point. [color=darkgray][i]"Anyway, I wouldn't take it personal with the Constable. It seems everything's just beneath him lately."[/i][/color] Cecily looked to Victoria and politely said, [color=darkgray][i]"Yes, yes I would. Thank you,"[/i][/color] concerning the use of the reins. Getting back into the wagon she was forced to abandon and completing her task was just what she wanted to do. Then somehow seeing to the interment of what remains remained. [color=darkgray][i]"And thank you for letting Lizbeth and I know what happened with some sensitivity and class. I know it could have been handled differently."[/i][/color] With everyone in agreement to help, Cecily gave a warm but tired, [color=darkgray][i]"Thank you all so much for this,"[/i][/color] and climbed up to the driver's seat on the merchant wagon. She took up the reins and checked to make sure everything was attached properly. Satisfied, she said, [color=darkgray][i]"The deliveries are late right now. The customers know why and I'm sure that they will understand, but they are likely to still be a little upset at the inconvenience. If you would please? The um, ...remains... if they could be moved to the other wagon until after the wine is delivered?"[/i][/color] Lizbeth moved up to occupy the seat next to her aunt, leaning against her with a more sorrowful and resigned expression. As the group readied in whichever way they wished to do so, Cecily outlined where that needed to go throughout the Township. [color=darkgray][i]"Two of them were supposed to go to the Municipal Building, north end past the The Fountain. A wall surrounds it all; we're just supposed to leave them by the gate. One goes to that Inn I was talking about, Neil & Bob's Public House. Another goes to the Farmer's Market, right over that way, then one other to the Trade Market next to the river, on this side. And last..."[/i][/color] Cecily's face tightened with what might have been embarrassment at the mention of this remaining establishment, [color=darkgray][i]"Three of them to Madame Marcie's [sub]...Honey Barn...[/sub] just across the river inside the Township, proper."[/i][/color] Counting up the number of containers versus the amount promised to the different places in town, you appear to be one short. [color=darkgray][i]"If it's all the same to you, I have to work something out with whomever gets slighted. Please, you pick who misses a barrel."[/i][/color] With the south road now opened, one can more clearly see the increased foot traffic in the town. While not a bustling seaport, Avonshire Township is an important hub for the region, and it is a festival time. Businesses are doing brisk business, people from outlying areas of the region are here for celebration, and of course, with this being the festival of the harvest, farmers, animal handlers, and craftsmen bring in their wares to be observed, even entered into contests. [i](Biggest Potato In Avonshire, three years running! Huzzah!)[/i] The general attitude in the township is pleasant. Hopeful, even. Though the occasional slip into something more worrisome can be seen every so often. Rare but persistent, like the collective subconscious of the area advised caution amid the frolicking and festivities.