[b]Piripiri's Cabin[/b] She taps her fingers on the table, tea ignored in front of her. "My name is Piripiri, of House Seumul. I hold no title, and function as Cathak Agata's secretary and assistant. I ask on her authority." Her gaze lingers on the lone tapestry on the wall, a roadside inn in the foreground nestled among the trees of the forest, with a distant, smoking mountain in the distance. There's heart-ties emanating out from her, linking her to the Dominion through her choker, by sworn oaths of fealty. And it is the Dominion, not Agata: should another scion of the Empress show up, she'd obey them just as readily. Impersonate one, or convince one to order her to obey you, and she would. That pales in comparison to the vivid heart-ties towards that tapestry, a gift from her family, a going-away present. Hold one of them in your power, and she'd obey. Be careful to survive her service. She turns and meets your gaze, eyes fading from hazel into jade. "I presume that's enough to satisfy that I've the authority to ask these questions, and my interest in the answers?" [b]Interrogation Room One[/b] "I see." Deep breath in, and on the exhale the room fills with the aroma of budding greenery as spring turns to summer. She scowls down at Uusha, sticking a thumb out: point one. "You'd bleed a retainer in that situation. One of your warriors, somebody who's promised to fight for you, who chose that." She jerks that thumb up to point at herself. "I was a captive." A pointer finger joins the thumb, point two. "Han has the blood of dragons. Ven was within grabbing distance, and presumably had her own ways in and out of Hell. And we had a demon to work with. Hell, there was another witch there. Don't you think she had an exit that didn't need me to bleed?" Third finger. "Finally. I keep my word. I said I was not going to punish or reward you for what you said. Don't try to goad me into it." She looks aside, shaking her hand as if to cast off the fury, before turning back to her medicine chest. A clean bandage emerges, poultice freshly applied, emerges, and she presses it against the wound. "I'm angry about what happened. It was wrong. It was unnecessary. And it assumes, from the start, that the captive is insane and doesn't want to leave hell." She grabs another damp cloth and wipes her chin clean with curt, efficient movements, stepping back and leaning on the wall as she finishes, arms crossed. [quote]Tried and failed to Figure Uusha Out. 4-2 (angry) = 2.[/quote]