[color=silver][h2][center]Stella Lumite[/center][/h2][/color] [hider=inventory]GP: 500 Items: PokeBall 4x[/hider] She'd heard tales of trainers capturing Pokemon without a battle, but it had always also sounded dubious or made up. Would someone think the same if she told them this story? She picked up get PokeBall, still pretty proud of herself for charming a Pokemon into her roster. Not that she had intended it. "[color=silver]Seems like you've made a friend, after all, Kaebe.[/color]" It might be a struggle to train the struggle bug. Doubles combat was a thing, right? Maybe she should train them together... She considered a few ideas while she stared at her new Blipbug's ball. "[color=silver]Did you like giving a ride earlier? Let's get the two of you better acquainted. Ocul, say hello to your teammate.[/color]" She opened the ball and let him out. The Blipbug named Ocul emerged and took a look around. That had been an interesting experience. Not uncomfortable, but certainly strange. Ocul turned to look at Stella, before facing his new "teammate". Ah, yes, this frightening creature. Kaebe regarded the bug for a moment before turning around and laying out, offering out his tail. "[color=00bbff]Tyrunt.[/color]" Ocul hesitated before approaching, and climbing up on Kaebe's back. The ancient Pokemon got up and started to trot around happily, with a light passenger on his back. Stella smiled softly at the two. This would be good teamwork training, right? Sure. They can play together while she goes to the pokemart. "[color=silver]Alright, you two. Come along, and don't cause too much fuss.[/color]" She'd buy herself a potion, maybe two before leading her pair out to one of the routes. Running around, battling wild Pokemon inside the city to train seemed like a quick way to make people-Pokemon relations very tense.