[center] [b]Name:[/b] Ah, I’m glad you asked! My name is Raylan, and it is an absolute honour to make your acquaintance. It’s so terribly difficult to find right minded folks these days, is it not? [b]Age:[/b] Oh, I’m a young one, of sorts. I can’t quite remember how old; living destitute will do that to you. [b]Gender:[/b] Eh, are you trying to talk ol’ Raylan into a little game of come hither? I’m only joking, chap. Male, of course. Like my father, surprisingly. [b]Class:[/b] Ah, class? I don’t have any. Sorry, bad pun. I’m deprived, of course. [b]Covenant:[/b] No Covenant binds me this day, or any other. I’m a free man, and shan’t find myself bound any time soon. What madness possesses a man to promise his soul to another? Madness. Sheer madness. [b]Appearance:[/b] I was a handsome fellow, long before all this. I do believe I have lost my mind as of late, but if I recall correctly, I had free flowing hair as dark as the night, with eyes that twinkled like the distant sun. My skin was ever so tanned, perhaps because I never quite sat still. I was no taller than any other man, neither wider nor thinner. But enough about me, what about yourself, eh? [b]Personality:[/b] I wasn’t always so entertaining, dear. Oh, the ambitions I once held. The dreams I followed. Nobility would have been in awe of my righteousness. But madness claims us all, does it not? Perhaps my mind will return to me, perhaps it won’t; it’s redundant, don’t you think? What good is a mind in a place that punishes perseverance? It’s just me, now. I’m ever so tired, and my madness only causes echoes in the darkness. [b]How Did I Turn Hollow:[/b] Ah, isn’t that a tale for the ages! I shan’t ruin the whole story now; there will be time for that, dear. Although, I can tell you that that backstabbing bastard of a brother Fergus will pay for his wrongdoing of me and my ilk. I swear, whenever I get so riled up I can still feel the blade in my spine… [/center]