So I binge watched ben 10 in a nostolgic rampage. I have to admit, I liked it. Most of it. Alien force is as amazing as I remember it it being. Besides from a few bad eggs it was great. The first series was a lot less enjoyable than it was when I was ten but hey, it does what it needs to. What I want to talk about is ultimate alien. It has so much going for it and so many plots I would have loved to see played out right but don't. The first season was great. Aggregor is easily the most dangerous and nefarious bad guy yet and genuinely got under my skin before he slowly became an annoyingly cliche and repetitive character. The short side plot of dealing with Kevin's power-induced madness was equally as fun to me. The rest of the series was just bland. Old George and an eldritch horror couldn't help it at all! [quote=@Dark Cloud] I know I'm gonna get burnt at the stake for saying this but I absolutely positively cannot care less for Amphibia or Owl House. [/quote] Completely Valid, dude. They're both not for everyone. My interest with Owl house wained thin as the show went on. To me it has a lot of great artist and voice talent and a cool style but beyond that I'm really just watching it to see hooty. Even then, hooty is pretty annoying half the time. Amphibia is honestly one of my new favorites at this point. Love the characters, love the story, and I can completely agree that the pacing is bizarre to say the least but the plot points seem to crop up at good times to me. Especially in season three where there is a bit more of a coherent plot. [@SleepingSilence] I find your take surprising, not wrong or offensive, just surprising! I felt like the second season was my favorite. In my eyes MT is defined by wanting to [i]escape[/i] what she isn't/doesn't want to be, rather than those things she was forced to be (as Tulip's reflection). It's a character I think a lot of young people can empathize with in that regard. People are after her for being unique/going against the grain and she feels the need to hide her true self while also craving nothing more than to be free. I love seeing how different people see shows and characters differently. Thought I'd throw my own to cents in the mix. Anyway, I need a new show to watch. I started spectacular spiderman but if anyone has suggestions let me know!