[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/VAS7HTH.png[/img] [color=6ecff6][h1]Level 1-[/h1][/color] [color=fff79a]||||||||||[/color] [color=f7976a]LEVEL UP!!! (holding at 10)[/color] Word Count: [color=fff79a]1363[/color] [color=fff79a]+3 EXP!!![/color] Sandswept Sky - Edge of Tostarena Town[/center] [hr] [hr] Stepping off the edge of the building, Raiden had decided he had waited long enough in the little town, ultimately deciding that it would be best if he looked for work so that he could find a means of repair. He had recalled multiple key landmarks in the area that he previously had not much paid attention to, [url=https://imgur.com/9R1TaSo]those being a vending machine which had advertised medicines and healing items[/url], while the other was a sort of billboard with sheets of parchment and posters plastered on the cork. Ultimately making the choice to check out the assortments of medicines advertised in the vending machine, Raiden took quick walking steps as he began wrapping around corners of the town, trying to recall where he had subsequently seen the machine. Once the machine came into eye sight of Raiden, he approached it, taking coin out from the inside of his poncho, prepared to pay his share for what was seemed to be similar to that [url=https://imgur.com/OMPHSl3]Healing Draught[/url] the rabbit lady inside the wrestling arena described. Something was incredibly off about this vending machine however, once Raiden prepared to put his cash in the machine, it beamed with light as it began... talking. [color=9e0b0f]"IF YOU NEED A HEALING, STEP RIGHT UP!"[/color] It spoke in a rich southern accent. Startled, Raiden jumped back, drawing his blade from his back, ready to attack the machine if it made any funny moves. [color=6ecff6]"What the hell!?"[/color] He exclaimed bluntly, sure he had seen talking robotic dogs, and had certainly seen a talking vending machine, but considering the timing of this machines speech, Raiden hardly considered it coincidental. He kept his stance, until the machine spoke again. [color=9e0b0f]"If you ain't dead, I'll keep ya that way!"[/color] After sheathing his blade, sure this machine wasn't going to transform into a Metal Gear, Raiden approached the machine once again, picking up the change he had dropped in fright moments ago. After placing each coin into the machine [i]Cachink, cachink, cachink![/i] Raiden looked at the selections one last time to make sure there was... Nothing else? To be fair, the man had no idea what half of this shit was. Shields? [color=ed1c24]"Health Now?"[/color] In the end, he figured it best he select which of the options (supposedly) worked, and selected the "Health Potion" option. Potions? What the hell was this place?... This machine heralded multiple red flags aside from talking. It was incredibly dusty and sand-tinted. While the machine appeared to be made of a carbon metal, it was rusting. This machine was rarely used and was not being taken care of, meaning only one thing... The machine made a noise that every American feared, the sound of vending machine failure. Whatever was supposed to roll off the shelf inside the contraption either got stuck or refused to get released from the springs inside. The most annoying part? It blinked back to life and decided to shout at Raiden once more, as if to torment the man for even trying to purchase an item. [color=9e0b0f]"Sold!"[/color] It roared, despite not giving Raiden the item he requested from it. Most machines would spit out the coins it had previously been so eager to take, but this one did not. Frustrated, Raiden would grab the sides of the machine, make sure no one was looking, then begin to shake the contraption. Raiden grit his teeth as he shook, speaking under his breath, [color=6ecff6]"Come on you... Piece of shit!"[/color] Nothing. The machine produced nothing for Raiden. Angrily he punched the machine, now ready to give up entirely, turning around as the machine beamed [color=9e0b0f]"Do not harm the machinery."[/color] in that now annoying country accent. Snapping around his shoulder, Raiden turned back to the machine as he voiced his displeasure openly with the machine. [color=6ecff6]"Fuck the machinery!"[/color] As he extended his clawed hand into the innards of the machine, ripping out a health potion that he had previously paid for before. He examined the red liquid, trying to determine its origins before he even considered putting the viscous liquid into his mouth. There is no way this tasted good. Turning back again, Raiden began walking away before the machine gave a final testimony: [color=9e0b0f]"See ya real soon! I'm sure,"[/color] Now even more frustrated with the machine, Raiden quickly drew his sword and sliced the machine down the diagonal as liquids from the products inside leaked and their bottles fell out. Now feeling the judgmental stares of the locals, Raiden scratched his head as he met the gaze of the passers. [color=6ecff6]"Uh... Put it on my tab?"[/color] He shrugged, now unsure of what to do as he quickly ran away from the situation. ... After leaving the situation that Raiden had created near the town square, he navigated the streets to look for the cork billboard he thought about. There seemed to be very few... "adventurers" and the such huddled around it, but the few that were there parted kindly to let Raiden through so that he may examine the board as well. There seemed to be a few missions and bounties up right now, many others seemingly being claimed or completed by others who had taken refuge in the town. There were, however, three specific requests made by the locals that stuck out the most to Raiden. The first request was to deal with some cacti nearby that have been causing issues crossing the desert. The objective there was obvious. The second was to investigate anomalies from a nearby ghost town to the west. Obviously he would be debriefed on the situation should he choose this mission. But the last flier was the quest that Raiden ultimately decided to take. His goal was to travel to the [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/941558469503377408/946091475358347294/shadow_fort.jpg]northeastern fortress[/url] to take care of a looming, giant monster. He doubted the description of said monster at first, but after all he's seen both in this world on his own, he supposed he could give it the benefit of the doubt. Besides, Metal Gears were kind of in their own way giant monsters, so how could this be any different. Deciding it best to take a dune buggy from one of the tourist guides, Raiden would seek to find a method of somewhat discreet transportation to the described location. Most travelers became wary of the location, as it was no longer safe for visitors due to the threat described on the flier, so finding a driver however, may be near impossible. The man had become lost, not sure of where to go to find any form of second hand travel. He had never considered himself a tourist and any time he did need to travel it would either be some form of government agency dispatching him or Raiden simply driving himself. It was then Raiden had found at the edge of town an area he could rent a buggy to transport him to his mission. He pulled out more coins from his poncho. [i][color=6ecff6]This job better be legitimate[/color][/i] He thought to himself, staring at the few coins he had left. There was just barely enough to get him there and back in full payment, but there would be nowhere for him to return if he was out of cash. He paid the local in the station, nodding as he exited just as quickly as he arrived. Throwing one leg over the side of the buggy, Raiden couldn't help but feel somewhat excited to finally be back in action. A grin would creep over his face as he adjusted his sombrero. His visor would snap shut as he started up the buggy, and began driving into the distance, towards where his UI showed him was the Northeast. He looked back at the town as he bid it a temporary goodbye, clutching onto the mysterious potion he had grabbed earlier. [color=6ecff6]"¡Ole!"[/color]