[img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/211121/b95fffd2da3c0475ff2a5e11917dcf4b.png[/img] [Color=#67a4e0]Level:[/color] 2 [Color=#e607f8]Experience:[/color] 4/20 [Color=#e607f8]Currently In:[/color] Snowdin, Frozen Highlands [Color=#67a4e0]Word Count:[/color] 462 (+1 Exp) [i][color=skyblue]Albedo[/color] [@Lugubrious], [color=forestgreen]Linkle[/color] [@Gentlemanvaultboy], [color=b34141]Papyrus[/color] [@Dark Cloud][/i] Frisk could help but chuckle at Papyrus' excitement over possibly seeing a glimpse of the future. [color=67a4e0]"Time being wonky here does make sense. Explains how we arrived at different points. Uh, Of time, I mean."[/color] They noted. Then Linkle went first in explaning how she got her magic, and in turn, her rabbit ears. The child's brows rose as she pulled out the spirit of the Dollmaker. They didn't see [i]that[/i] back at the basment. Then again it was dark and she could've quickly grab it as a precaution. They listened to the skullgirl explain how spirits work in the world. Man, that's alot of stuff to do with them. Papyrus beat them in seeing the similarities of a spirit and a soul, even giving an example by summoning a bone. Once he trailed off at the mention of human souls, Frisk took the opportunity to add onto his explanation. [color=67a4e0]"Don't worry, I can answer that."[/color] They softly reassured him. [color=67a4e0]"The type of magic a monster uses mainly depends on their species, while the magic humans use depend on their soul trait."[/color] At that, Frisk called their soul back out. [color=67a4e0]"For example, Determination can adapt to a different soul trait,[/color] A bit of focus, and the red heart turned green, not unlike what Linkle saw. [color=67a4e0]"And Kindness can create some sort of shield that blocks enemy attacks. To an extent. I haven't figured out it's limits yet."[/color] They tried to focus on changing to a different trait like Justice, but for some reason or another, they couldn't. [Sub][color=67a4e0]"That's weird, I can only change it to Kindness..."[/color][/sub] Frisk's brows furrowed. They shook their head in resignation, and went back to their default trait. [Color=67a4e0]"Anyways, Determination has it's own ability too, but it's kinda hard to explain. [Sub]...Is there anything I can draw with around here?[/sub]"[/color] The child looked around before continuing. [color=67a4e0]"If a human soul and a boss monster soul fuse, the base soul becomes more powerful. But uh, it's easier said than done. Souls tend to shatter moments after someone's death."[/color] Speaking from experience, they thought. [color=67a4e0]"Pretty similar though, yeah?"[/color] They smiled. Once Albedo had explained his source of magic, Linkle spoke up again, asking about the Underground. [color=67a4e0]"Uh...it's a long story, but yeah. It's just me now. As for Snowdin, from what I can tell, it's gotten alot larger than it used to be."[/color] They added after Papyrus spoke again, noting the new sections of the once small town. At the mention of Sans being able to tell the full story [s]because they sure as heck won't[/s], the child simply nodded. For the embodiment of the phrase "Lazybones" he gets around. They looked over to Treat. [color=67a4e0]"Don't worry about staying at his place though, I've been there, and it's pretty nice!"[/color]