[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/HCi8r3c.png[/img] [b]Interactions:[/b] William Nelson* ([@AThousandCurses]), Himaru Tamaki ([@LostDestiny])[hr][/center] Sure enough, the beast was swiftly beheaded. Shaakira gasped upon witnessing the gruesome display but, knowing that that was the result she should've expected [i]most[/i], she tried her best to hide her reaction, and ultimately didn't question it. It was a shame that the Persian died; it really was. But if that was the way it was meant to be... [color=a187be]“It died because of you, I hope you know that."[/color] [color=91ffc6]"What?"[/color] Shaakira's eyes widened in shock and disbelief as she faced the woman who said this. Her mouth quivered and tears rolled down her face as her very faith came under fire, but just when she was most ready to cry, she steeled her resolve. [color=91ffc6]"No. I won't let you push the blame of that Pokemon's death onto me!"[/color] Shaakira told the woman, [color=91ffc6]"I have no blood on my hands to dictate such a thing, nor was it even my intention! I just... Akeeta and I only wanted to calm it down, that's all."[/color] At the mention of its name, Akeeta got off from the Persian and returned to Shaakira's side. It could tell she was upset, and raised a claw in an offer to try and comfort her. However, it noticed the other woman and her Haunter. Suspecting the woman to be responsible, Akeeta lowered its claw again, and turned to stare down the woman. [color=91ffc6]"Furthermore, how could you defend such a vile man?"[/color] Shaakira asked the woman, [color=91ffc6]"For all you and [i]I[/i] know, he could've intended to unleash that destructive Pokemon again and hurt even more people. He certainly seems the sketchy type; perhaps that's what he wanted all along. [i]No-one[/i] has the right to ready access of such power... least of those who'd use it to harm innocent people..."[/color] That was what Shaakira believed, anyway. But could she get that through to this other woman? She didn't know...