[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/939472500310544384/947034463869763584/Teodora_Banner.png[/img][/center] [hr]Place(s): The Horizon - Dining Area Time: Afternoon Interaction(s): Small one with Hoshiko & Norika [hr]Teodora returned Hoshiko's wave with a much [b]much[/b] less exuberant wave of her own. [color=CCCCFF]"My, as full of guts as ever, Hoshiko. Always quite delightful to see. And I see that you're getting along [b]very, very well[/b]-"[/color] her mischievous expression as she said so made it clear that she's making a jab at them, [color=CCCCFF]"-with the ever so charming and delectable Domnișoară (Miss) Dulac. Very good. Fufu~"[/color] She had always found the interactions between Hoshiko and Norika to be amusing. At times quite rather adorable in fact. [color=CCCCFF]"Quite adorable, you two."[/color] And of course, Teodora being Teodora, she saw nothing wrong with stating as much openly. In a way, she was perhaps the worse among the seven girls in not recognizing that her words or conducts might cause others to dislike her. She was simply too self-assured and content with herself; painfully so. And just like that, with her smile still plastered to her face, she continued eating her desserts again. Soon enough, she was done with the small meal and after a small act of taking care of her dental hygiene, leaned back contentedly on her seating.