[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220122/d73f68d30c64f9f0fd656057379668c7.png[/img] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/b2dd95b4f77ee284451ac708d6449dc4/61fff7c9cbc954b1-5d/s400x600/e0161adf978baafcd8b6d6a65748b0065f91a466.gif[/img][hr][hr][/center] [color=darkgray][indent][indent]The minute Lilibeth Easterling had received the invitation to her high school reunion at the beginning of the year, the young woman had been ecstatic. In the beginning, Lili had deluded herself into thinking that her motivations for attending were innocent enough: spending time with her friends like the old days, and the chance of returning home with her head held high as the [s]somewhat[/s] grown-up, successful version of herself she'd become. Of course, there was [i]another[/i] reason that may or may not have influenced her prompt decision to RSVP to the reunion. Namely, a green-eyed, sandy-haired, handsome, unbelievably charming comic book artist that she may or may not continue to harbor deep feelings towards… But let’s not talk about that. As soon as she’d RSVP’d, Lili had begun her preparations for her long-awaited vacation. She announced her upcoming hiatus to her followers in all social media channels, filmed videos in advance to keep up with her posting schedule whenever she was gone, packed hers and her son’s belongings and made the necessary arrangements to make sure Colton was taken care of while they were gone. The blonde knew Colt was more than capable of looking after himself for a measly week, but that didn’t mean she [i]wanted[/i] him to. One, she loved her husband. And two, she wanted to ensure that her domestic affairs continued to function like a well-oiled machine during her absence. Colt was a fantastic man, but he could be disorganized as all hell. The last thing Lils needed was to return home to unkempt chaos and disaster. In order to spend some time with her parents, Lili had decided to fly down to Palm Beach a few days prior to the big reunion. Where was Colton, you ask? As much as he'd wanted to jet off with his wife and son or care for Coltie for a few days, the acclaimed running back had a rigorous, demanding, time-consuming training schedule he had to adhere to, and Lili didn’t believe in placing the care of her son on nannies for extended periods of time. Edgar and Clarissa had not only been over the moon about their daughter and grandson’s visit, but they had been more than happy to look after Coltie while Lili relived her adolescence for a few days. It was the perfect arrangement: everybody got exactly what they wanted. Three days after her arrival to Palm Beach, Lili’s old, powder blue 2011 Volkswagen Beetle convertible was cruising down the US-1 highway with Key West as its destination. She sat behind the wheel of the vehicle in blue denim shorts, a ruffle off-shoulder pink crop top and white Air Force Ones. Her blue eyes were shielded from the sunlight by designer aviator sunglasses, her blond locks fluttering wildly around her face as she belted the lyrics from the early 2000’s and 2010’s songs blaring out from her speakers. Not even the hair sticking to her sparkly lip gloss could ruin the fabulous mood she was in. To truly embrace the nostalgia of her tween and teenage years, Lilibeth had opted to dust off and bring out some of her vintage gadgets and belongings out to play. Her baby blue Cybershot camera was safely inside its case in her overnight bag, nestled alongside her 3rd generation blue iPod Nano, her 1st generation blue iPod Touch, her white Instax 25 camera, and a handful of spare film cartridges just waiting to be transformed into still captures of a moment in time. A box full of photos and albums from years past sat beside her suitcase, which she was sure would bring many laughs and memories to those close to her. She couldn’t wait for her friends to see them. The Easterling wife made her arrival to the venue on Thursday afternoon. She was eager to have some time for herself before the big reunion this weekend-- after all, she hadn’t really had the chance to enjoy her own company since having Coltie. She treated herself to a facial, mani-pedi and massage that afternoon, followed by a lavish dinner and a few glasses of wine from the ocean view balcony of her spacious suite. The next morning, the young woman had indulged in sleeping in and a delicious brunch served at the hotel’s rooftop area. Armed with her old iPod, snacks, and the company of a good book, Lili had spent the day at the beach, taking turns between tanning, swimming, reading and snacking. It was only when the clock of her device marked five in the afternoon that Lili finally gathered her belongings and returned to the safety of her suite. It was finally time to get ready for the party! [/indent][/indent][/color]