[hider=Kimber B. Benson][color=c39a58][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201209/1799c1b9001d644dc3250b7aa1dee053.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/TS0JEgD.png[/img] FC: Maude Apatow | [color=c37f58]c37f58[/color][/center] [color=c37f58]►[/color] [color=faebd7]Name[/color] [indent]Kimber Brielle Benson [indent][sub]Kim, Kimmy, KB, Benson[/sub][/indent][/indent] [color=c37f58]►[/color] [color=faebd7]Age[/color] [indent]28[/indent] [color=c37f58]►[/color] [color=faebd7]Gender | Pronouns | Sexual Orientation[/color] [indent]Female | She/Her | Demisexual[/indent] [color=c37f58]►[/color] [color=faebd7]Relationship Status[/color] [indent]Speed and online dating, has one person of interest she's spent more time with than usual[/indent] [color=c37f58]►[/color] [color=faebd7]Occupation[/color] [indent]Playwright/Writer, Composer, Lyricist, Actor [indent][sub]In the process of transitioning into the tv & film industry as a screenwriter.[/sub][/indent][/indent] [color=c37f58]►[/color] [color=faebd7]Current Address[/color] [indent][url=https://streeteasy.com/building/the-avant/2w]533 E 12th St Unit 2W, New York, NY 10009[/url][/indent] [color=c37f58]►[/color] [color=faebd7]Appearance[/color] [indent][color=c37f58]✿[/color] In comparison to most people, especially from the high school she attended (King's Academy), Kim accepts she's average looking. Not too many striking features that help her stand out in the crowd. [color=c37f58]✿[/color] Kim has a good skin care routine so if there is one thing that does pop maybe it's how clear and smooth her skin is. [color=c37f58]✿[/color] Cherry red apple is her favorite color although her preppy clothes are usually in the brown, white, gray, and black family. Neutral hues. They just suit her. On special days, she will go out of her way to wear bold colors but usually she lets her [url=https://media1.popsugar-assets.com/files/thumbor/4pnaC8RRKgtERp0rDsTUXzQk1oo/0x156:5000x5156/fit-in/2048xorig/filters:format_auto-!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2019/09/19/877/n/1922398/6c4a36a45d83df14212c41.00913553_/i/maude-apatows-best-instagram-pictures.jpg]lipstick[/url] do the talking. [color=c37f58]✿[/color] Height: 5'4" | Brown hair (she uses Olaplex N. 6 for an extra shine and to take out the frizz. She also has subtle [url=https://media.glamour.com/photos/5dd2e6328aa09b00081ef906/master/w_1600%2Cc_limit/Brown%252520Ale%252520Hair--%252520The%252520Demi1%252520(1).jpg]highlights[/url]) | Brown eyes [/indent] [color=c37f58]►[/color] [color=faebd7]Personality[/color] [indent][color=c37f58][b][i]I'm a passionate individual, at least in terms of my ambition and friends. When I decide to get involved, or when I choose to learn something new, I put all my heart in it. People have labeled me as a nerd but after the senior year play, written by yours truly, I turned into 'that bitch'. I've never taken offense to it because I don't see anything wrong with chasing my vision. I don't necessarily stand out like my friends and those in the spotlight but I do see things that most don't notice. More importantly though, I speak honestly. In high school, I tried to be as timid as possible but there were some people that brought out the worst in me, testing my patience. I'm actually quite outspoken nowadays; perhaps I've always been, but it took certain individuals to get that side out of me. Now I network and get myself out there for the benefit of my career. I suppose I'm a good person. I will go out of my way for others and offer a lending hand even if it means cleaning people's messes to protect them from inevitable consequences. I'm patient for the most part and I listen. I'm not quick to upset nor will I judge you harshly unless you're a certain someone who just... gets under my skin. And like, if I choose not to be in the heart of things, that doesn't mean I'm a bystander. I will not let others walk all over me or my friends. I know my worth and I won't let anyone take that away from me. While I take pride in many things, like my way with words, my perseverance, and my social intelligence, I'm kind of... missing something. Lili thinks it's love and sex but that's pretty cliché. I don't even care for sex. No one really has made me feel like it's that important. So, like, I doubt it's that. Love? I guess a companion would be nice but I've been doing just fine living on my own. I think I'm asexual to be honest. All these new people I've been meeting are interesting but I still don't feel much of anything with them. I'm pretty content with where I am, everything else is all extra.[/i] [/b] [/color] [/indent] [color=c37f58]►[/color] [color=faebd7]Backstory[/color] [indent]The daughter of famous writer R. E. Watts, who is known for her epic fantasy adventure series, Shattered Isles, had a much better, loving upbringing. Kimber Watts was never told to grow up, she was never told that her interests were rubbish, and she was never told she was wasting her life away with all these stories. Useless, as her grandparents would countlessly call her mother. For as long as she could remember, Kim never had a father figure. Something about him leaving and never returning. Still, this might've been the best thing that's ever happened to her because she could have her mother all to herself. Together, they could read in forts, make snow angels, explore the great outdoors, scavenge all the garden's secrets, and tend to to beautiful flowers throughout their land. When she was about to enter third grade, Kim's life was uprooted, which was probably the biggest change she's ever experienced going from small town Westworth, Colorado, to Palms Beach, FL moving right next door to the Fontaine family. Her mother needed a change but not only that, her new writer boyfriend, Roger Benson, resided in Palms Beach. Taking a leap of faith, the Watts drove to FL and with the money Rachel earned with the first two books of her series, some smaller essays, and one-shot novels, they purchased a renovated bungalow. Three bedrooms, two baths, built in 1902, and while only one floor, it was quaint and enough for a small family of four. It was more than enough for her and her daughter. It was also a great place where they can immerse in Palm Beach culture and write. At first, Kim was shocked, overwhelmed even, realizing they were 'no longer in Kansas' anymore and that her humble mother was friends with such... rich and famous people. Kim was quickly adopted by two friends, Lili and Frankie. They helped her transition and find family. Hell, her and Lili got so close that their parents decided to build them a treehouse in between both of their lots. Taking this as a new adventure, Kim kept a chip on her shoulder and never faltered from optimism, refusing to lose herself in the glory of others. When life started making sense again, when she was nearing eighth grade, that's when her mother and Roger decided to get married. Roger being an English author and scholar, of supernatural horror series, Primordial Conflict, and her mother, a lover of fantasy. With her mother remarrying, sooner rather than later their house was no longer for just the two of them. Before Kim knew it she had two English strangers living in her home. Sure, she actually was fangirling that Mr. Benson was in such close proximity with her, but still! This was not a change she was prepared for and she certainly wasn't prepared to have... a stupid hot brother (FC: Chase Stokes), Tobias "Toby" Benson. To be honest, a lot of her adolescence years were a blur now that she thinks about it. She remembers moments mostly with Lili, Frankie, and Lu. Aside from that? The only other person that stayed in her mind unfortunately rent free was an ass of a guy, Maxwell Bedlam. After her big finale, the senior spring play that she wrote herself, she was finally shining in the only way she knew how. Through her words. From that point on, it was clear that she was going to leave most of her classmates behind and go on a warpath to become the best of the best. A girl boss. One thing Kim's household was filled with was show tunes and dancing, so it was inevitable she'd pursue Broadway. She studied theatre at Wesleyan University and it was there she improved her high school musical, [i]Hateful Ever After[/i], which was based on her and her classmates. She got it to a point where it won four Tony Awards, including those for best musical and best original score. From there she did anything and everything to get her name out there, participating in improve groups, getting parts in other people's plays, and writing her own. She did top [i]Hateful Ever After[/i] with her musical [i]GUY.EXE[/i], which follows a young girl, great at programming, who makes the prototype for the first ever 'perfect boyfriend' android. The story itself focuses on high expectations and realizing the picture perfect lover doesn't exist. The main character has to get her head out of the clouds and see what is in front of her is exactly what she needs. The story follows her making a mess out of her situation, her creation having thousands of people falling for it, a perfect lover to all, and realizing this isn't the type of romantic life she wants. In actuality, the perfect lover is the one that challenges you and makes you the best version of yourself. There is no such thing as perfect. With the reunion just around the corner, Kim can take a breather from her busy schedule and really consider her next move. Maybe seeing her friends will provide her with the inspiration she needs to move forward to TV & Film. She'd live near her forever girl, Lili, so the idea is definitely intriguing. Even so, Kim isn't going to this reunion with expectations. Really, she just wants to relax. [/indent] [color=c37f58]►[/color] [color=faebd7]Extras[/color] [indent][color=c37f58]✿[/color] Was part of the King's Academy Chess Club, led The Writers League, and spent plenty of time in theater. [color=c37f58]✿[/color] Carries noise cancelling headphones, a refillable leather journal, three of the most recent hard copies of NY times, [color=c37f58]✿[/color] Her personal hobby, aside from writing, is restoring and refurbishing antiques. [color=c37f58]✿[/color] A kid at heart, she adores scavenger hunts, riddles, puzzles, and escape rooms. [color=c37f58]✿[/color] She hates the smell of cigarettes and cigars. [color=c37f58]✿[/color] Sometimes spaces out and gets lost in her own imagination. Probably gets that from her mother, who used to let fiction influence her reality. Kim was told her mother's need for escapism was so severe that she had countless imaginary friends. People considered her mother a little bit 'looney' but now she's relatively normal. Well, sort of. [color=c37f58]✿[/color] Flicks people in the forehead when she's annoyed and needs them to shut up. [color=c37f58]✿[/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FX0NxcNPDOc]911[/url] - Ellise is currently the music artist I have on repeat. [/indent][/color][/hider]