[color=faebd7][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220227/72ab0860d9779d3fb560cde73c1bcf53.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/0krgWOf.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/201209/1799c1b9001d644dc3250b7aa1dee053.png[/img] [/center] [indent]One of the reasons Kimber Benson pursued theater was because she could put herself in other's shoes and show real, authentic emotional intelligence in a medley of art. She was always the creative type but when it came to writing? She thrived. She could get lost in her head, putting pen to paper, and create something out of nothing, giving it so much life. She had control over how her stories went. Happy, sad, full of spite, full of joy... whatever direction she chose, she always made sure that her cast displayed the most important thing to a story. Their humanity. People were flawed but that doesn't mean they were undeserving of love and happiness. Theater gives her a chance to tone down the indifference and skepticism and dial up all the feelings that encompass being human. It was her way to be vulnerable without actually having to be vulnerable herself. Kim had been the most grounded in her friend group. Always, always making sure that they thought of their consequences before making decisions that they may or may not regret, standing up for them in the face of adversity, especially toward the fearsome four and their ex friend, Kristen. Simultaneously, she hoped that they felt unconditional love from her. Even platonic love was love. Kim was the rock. Supportive and choosing their needs/wants over her own. Stopping everything to adjust her schedule so she could be there for their milestones and moments. She thrived when she knew her friends were happy. Sure, that meant she dedicated a lot of her time to her vision and her friends, and rarely had time to relax and sleep, but at the end of the day, it was all worth it because she made others happy. Whether through a story or through encouraging words, she supported and loved hard, which only made her bonds stronger. Buried beneath all that confidence and loyalty there was an understated jewel screaming to get noticed. Kim's love life was pretty non-existent until recently. Lilibeth had convinced her to try online dating. So, the past couple months Kim's been spending her free time meeting all sorts of people. Instead of romantic and sexual chemistry, she found a story in each and every one of them. Did that make her weird? Probably. Shit, she was 28 years old and still never had any of her firsts. Though, she did meet someone through an improv class. His name, Ezequiel Ortega. He's three years younger than her and full of so much talent. He's up-and-coming and she knows she could take him to great heights— —Wait. Stop. Why did she always do that? Turn a relationship into a business opportunity. She did [i]feel[/i] something for Zeke. They'd gone on more dates than she has with anyone else. There definitely was potential there. And chemistry... Shaking her head at the word 'chemistry', oddly triggered by it, Kim examined herself in the mirror, hearing her hotel door close, from Lili rushing to her own hotel room to get ready. An old playlist of theirs continued to resound in the background. Currently, Kylie Minogue's [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MB578q9zjrM][i]Can't Get You Out of My Head[/i][/url] was on as Kim looked at her premiere ensemble. She didn't want to go into this party overshadowed. Her last statement in high school was 'the girl who called her class out in a play' so if she dressed in muted tones people would easily forget what she did before she became big in her industry. The night prior, Lili and Kim spent it enjoying the jacuzzi together, drinking, eating chocolate covered fruit, sharing a decorative charcuterie board, and spilling their heart out with everything and anything that was on their mind. Lili focused on her marriage, her family, and her feelings she still had for her ex, while Kim talked about her decision to move to California to get into the TV & movie industry, her interesting dating experiences as of late, and how she was genuinely excited about this reunion because it was a much needed break. Lili did probe about how Kim felt if Max showed up. They both knew he would. And Kim responded with a shrug and a 'good for him, glad he's doing good'. Even if Max and Kim lived in the same state and worked in the same industry, they never walked into each other. They never worked on the same plays. Never met at the same cafes. Never stumbled on each other in the streets. New York City was big but not that big, especially for two people in theater. Perhaps that was a blessing in disguise because he was a thorn in her side. If he did show up out of the blue, he probably would've found something to argue about and distract her from what mattered. Her dream. That's what mattered the most to her. Still, their relationship was weird. She couldn't explain it. Was she actually looking forward to seeing the one guy that noticed her no matter what? Who gave her the attention she gave onto others? No, absolutely not and you can't change her mind on that matter. As much as she'd hate to admit it, she knew they had something she couldn't put a name on it. For example, neither had a date to prom, or maybe Max did, but his date left him, she couldn't really remember. Anyways, that is an unimportant fact in the story. They found themselves dancing together and having the most genuine and kind conversation they ever had together. She wasn't lonely that night and that was thanks to— —Ew. Okay. No. Like, they weren't always dicks to each other. They both knew what they wanted, which were similar things, like A LOT of similar things, and people like that... well, they clashed. Maybe, in a weird sense, she appreciated him back then because he pushed her to do great things, as she did for him, but she'd be lying if she said she didn't like debating with him and proving him wrong. There was this sort of gratification she got when she knew she bested him — perhaps she loved to hate him and that's why she didn't mind him being there. If anything, she knew the night would be an exciting one if he was there. Regardless of her complicated feelings toward her nemesis, she was here for herself and she wanted to show her value in a louder manner. That's why after her and her best friend were done drunk talking in a jacuzzi, they picked up the perfect [url=https://assets.vogue.com/photos/61dc8027d81eeb08513d6bda/2:3/w_2154,h_3231,c_limit/GettyImages-1363011646.jpg]outfit[/url] for Kim to strut her stuff in. Lili had her own goals, and so did Kim. Neither woman was going to leave this reunion unnoticed. Whether it would lead to good things or not, only time could tell. As a director, writer, and part time actress, Kim could become whoever she wanted. She knew how to play the part and deep down, she knew if she was truly capable of acting like this, there was a side in her begging to come out. Tonight was the night Kim would choose to be a soul sucker. A vixen that was confidant in who she was and her sexuality. The one who you look at whose eyes would turn you into stone. She didn't just want to be sexy, she wanted to be someone that was haunting, someone with poison up her sleeves, someone who could and would drain you for all your worth. A woman with a gun. A dame to die for. With her claws, she will dig into your brain and feed off your pain. Yes, the girl who wrote[i] Hateful Ever After[/i], the biggest fuck you to her class, she wanted her classmates to see her more than just an overachiever easily overlooked. No, she wanted to be a dangerous dream and run the night in a way she had never chosen to live her life before. Be a little reckless. Be free. Be in the moment. Tonight, she was a devil and she would go out of her way to seek out the lowest of lows and the highest of highs. Tonight, she wasn't going to watch other stories shatter and think about business. No, she was going to live her own story, for better or for worse. Wherever it took her that would be the consequences she'd worry about, after making it. It was time to be a main character in a story and take a chance. Cheers to the night! Going to her dresser, where she placed the leftover booze from last night, Kim took a quick shot of whiskey straight from the bottle, to ease her nerves. Once again, she went to the mirror, but this time she leaned forward to make sure her red lipstick was pristine. Before walking out the door, she turned to check her ass. Not nearly as big as Lili's, but ey, it didn't look too bad. Still grabbable. Lili really did out do herself. After their conversation the night prior, once Lili was up and ready for her day she forced Kim out to go SHOPPING. This was the end result and honestly? She looked good. Finding herself on the rooftop, Kim stood by the exit door to take in the beautiful sight. It felt like a scene painted in a movie. Taking a deep breath in, feeling the Florida breeze and listening to the waves off the distance, Kim smiled, thinking about how words could weave together and show deep truths. How words could make or break a person. How words meant to her. In this moment, she could only feel the pain of waiting and the desire of... enjoying her night. Briefly, her mind went to a place that would make anyone embarrassed and she patted her cheeks, [color=c37f58]"It's showtime."[/color] Sauntering her way into the party, Kim waved at those that had already arrived and found herself at the bar, [color=c37f58]"I'll take a Manhattan."[/color] As she waited for her drink she texted her friends: [quote=Kimmy][color=c37f58]Get your asses here. I want to see your faces.[/color] [img]https://i.imgur.com/IzCpqbe.png?1[/img][/quote] [/indent][/color]