[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6w4V9ZJ.png[/img] Level 10 Blazermate - (20/100) - 1 stored level up Carcass Isle Words: NA [/center] Besides Blazermate's ghosts or marking the weak spot, there wasn't too much Blazermate could do to put this thing down. Especially when running from the summoned ghosts of those who had fallen on their adventures that seemed to chase after the Medabot herself with strange weapons in hand. Screw this flesh baby thing, it was so annoying! And it bloody refused to die even when its health was gone! And yet it still hit like an absolute truck, swatting Hatty out of the air like she was a fly. Seeing the absolute mess that Haty was in after getting swatted into the cliffs, Blazermate made her way over to her as Peach called to the medabot to start to stabilize the kiddo. Although she wasn't all that fast needing to still heal her own injured/broken parts and dodge all these apparitions. After one final hit though, the fight ended. The goop, gore, and all the filth of the area receded as the Orphan was finally no more. Blazermate managed to get some healing into Hatty, but hatty would deferentially need to sleep some of those hits off. With the defeat of the Orphan came something Blazermate, and the rest of the group dreaded. In order to get rid of this area boss for good, one of them would need to fuse with it. Blazermate would speak up if no one else did, as her parts system would at least make it not SO bad... But thankfully for her Geralt spoke up giving a very good reason as to why it would be perfect for him. [color=0072bc]"Thanks a lot Geralt. That thing is uh... Good luck."[/color] Blazermate said. Funny enough, Geralt looked... normal, if a bit ghoulish after absorbing that spirit. At least he was smaller now, but that also meant no free rides on him anymore. Although what lasting effect those crystals that were left behind when the orphan died is anyone's guess. With all of that taken care of, Nadia gave the real question... How ere they going to get back to town? Thankfully Blazermate prepared for this situation much like she did in the Dead Zone. [color=0072bc]"Well, unless someone wants to try their luck on finding some neato spirits in the area, I still have a teleporter side in Limsa. So we can just teleport back. I figured needing to go to the bottom of the sea, getting back up would be really difficult so... yeah."[/color] blazermate said. They'd have to wait a bit for her striker to charge back up before she could make said teleporter, but at least they wouldn't be suffering nightmare after nightmare traveling back. ====================================== [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/kxxtOHI.png[/img] Level 8 Sectonia (holding 3 level up) - (19/80) [b]Location:[/b] Atop the mountain [b]Word Count:[/b] less than 750 [/center] Sectonia soon found her attacks had no effect to this behemoth, the creature itself not even retaliating it seemed. That... seemed odd considering what Sectonia knew of how things worked here. Very, Very odd... Yeah it did shake people off when they got onto it, but other than that, it was just... flying there. This diffused Sectonia's rage a bit. Something was off here, perhaps defeating this thing would reveal the true area boss? Or there was some other puzzle or something they had to do here. Still, all they had to go on was that they had to deal with this creature, so Sectonia after a moment of reflection and thinking, continued her assault, throwing void globules at the creature instead. Sectonia kept up this little ranged attack until Midna called out that there were weak points under the fins of this creature, weak points that Sectonia's swords could possibly do some damage on. Why a creature would willingly have weak points was something Sectonia could only laugh at, as she moved in to strike at the mark Midna had called out, striking out with her swords.