[center][color=FF8C00][img]https://i.imgur.com/1MvGTuH.png[/img] RANK 3 17/30 EXP [b]Sandswept Sky - Apex of the World[/b][/color][/center] "Just do my best, huh?" Sound words of advice, but Raz wasn't entirely buying into it. His best was barely a drop in the ocean. There were people stronger, wiser, faster, and more useful than him in the group already. And some of them could fly, making any feats of acrobatics utterly pointless. So while things might work out in the end, Raz being involved might cause a few extra road bumps along the way. Not that he was going to start getting lazy just because he's feeling sorry for himself. On Mona's observation, Raz followed the other on-the-grounders that made their way over to the basin's statues, though he kept looking up at the flying leviathan. He was feeling like something was off too, so he decided to voice his concerns to the group. "I get that this is probably one of those Champions and that we have to deal with them to stop..." he glanced over to Therion, who still exhibited the murky palette and red eyes of someone under Galeem's influence, continuing with, "Uh, [i]something[/i] from happening, not that I really know anything about it, ahah." Raz coughed. "My point is that it doesn't seem to really be doing anything, does it? Do we really have to resort to, you know... killing it?" When they neared the statues, Raz split off to go examine one of the farther ones, specifically climbing up onto it to look at the chain it held. "Hey, these chains don't look like they're part of the statues!" Raz called to the rest. "You think they're holding something up?"[hr][center][color=FF8C00]Word Count: 267 EXP Gain: +1[/color][/center]