[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=339933][center]Jade Cornish[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://s33.postimg.cc/euzs4s2qn/giphy.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] Jade didn't bother pointing out to the rest of these people that she had what O.M.E.N. classified as a deviance. They seemed far too narrow minded to comprehend such a subtle gift and ability. She also let the ginger's comments just roll off of her back, not giving them too much weight or mind. She didn't see a point in the young British woman informing her of an obvious conclusion. There were plenty of ways for people to die. Jade didn't even know how her deviance or the fact that she had been resurrected would interact with Magneto's virus, but she didn't care. She wasn't here to survive. She was here to stop Magneto - something this group proved incapable of doing. [color=339933]"You could be killed with something as meaningless as a paperclip,"[/color] she told Carolina, before stepping out of the area where everyone had crowded in order to contact Jakobsen. [color=339933]"Jakobsen, this is Cornish, do you read me?"[/color] Jade said into her communicator. [i][color=2d5eb9]"Yeah, I hear you, what's the situation over there?"[/color][/i] Jakobsen's reply came. [color=339933]"We located Magneto's base of operations, he's taken over the buildings near Madison Square Garden. Resistance efforts seem to be made up of Thor, the Hulk, and the Thing, as well as a handful of the kid X-Men. They haven't made much traction, seemingly from either a lack of skill or experience or leadership or both,"[/color] Jade said, delivering her assessment. [i][color=2d5eb9]"So they are alive huh? Though doesn't sound like there is a whole lot that has been done. The good news seems to be you do have more then just the three of you to potentially do something. Though the fact that they haven't been able to accomplish a lot isn't exactly a good thing, or reassuring really."[/color][/i] [color=339933]"The way I see it, their most effective use is as a distraction,"[/color] Jade replied bluntly. [i][color=2d5eb9]"You likely won't be able to accomplish much if you only use that group as a distraction, you'll need their help to likely be able to have much of a chance. There is only so much three people can do against Magneto and his group. No matter what you'll need to be careful, as you are severely outnumbered."[/color][/i] [color=339933]"Then we use the baby X-Men as the distraction and take the Hulk, Thor, and the Thing with us."[/color][hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=cc33ff][center]Guinevere Stark[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/E1TEkGUU8GnQNw7n2E/giphy.gif?cid=790b761171108bce843cb21602ae2f88491355033093008e&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img][/center][hr][hr] Guin wanted to claim independence and leadership and all of that, but honestly, it was nice to see Edus more or less taking charge. She didn't know him, but he seemed like he was confident and had a plan - and unlike Mary, he didn't scream at them all the time. It also didn't hurt that he was a bit older than the rest of them, helping him to look somewhat like an authority figure - like someone her father might've asked to join the Avengers. [color=cc33ff]"Blueprints should be kept on file at City Hall, in the city planning office,"[/color] Guin pointed out. They should be able to get physical copies from there - at least, she had watched enough Parks and Rec to be fairly certain that they'd exist there. The other option would be to somehow get access to the Internet and be able to download them, but Guin wasn't going to hold her breath. [color=cc33ff]"Yeah, I can leapfrog from body to body..."[/color] she said to Edus. She hadn't done it very often and it took a bit more energy out of her. People seemed to end up back in their correct bodies when she was done with it, so that was nice - it would've been stressful if people ended up randomly mixed in the wrong bodies. [color=cc33ff]"And no, I can't read their minds, since they're displaced by me."[/color]