[center][h1][b][color=orange]Vincent Ryder[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [sub]Interactions: [@Izurich], [@pantothenic], [@Force and Fury], and possibly [@Theyra][/sub] [hr] As Vincent followed Dallas to the storage room, he took the time to once more look around the base as he walked. It still amazed him that not only were there so many revenants, Sidhe, and even humans in one place, but that everyone seemed to get along really well. Every time he had tried to put down roots with a group, it never took long for the group to tear itself apart. Sometimes it was something major, like one person cheating on someone else with another of the group, but most of the time it, it seemed to be a series of conflicts that ended with a straw breaking the camel's back. [color=orange][i]Let's hope this one stays together,[/i][/color] he thought as he followed Dallas and Ionna into the storage room. They weren't inside two seconds when Ionna gathered up three munitions crates and carried them toward the van. Vincent let out a low whistle as he watched the small girl carry the load to the vans. [color=orange]"Well, I'm not about to be outdone by someone almost half my size,"[/color] he joked as he hoisted a crate onto his right shoulder and another underneath his left arm. He carried the cargo out to the van Ionna was loading, having assumed that was the one for supplies. As he loaded the crates into the back of the van, he decided it was high time to start getting to know his comrades. As he walked back toward the storage room, he grinned and nodded at Lysandra before he hefted another crate onto his shoulder. He opened his mouth to address the group, but stopped. The color drained from his face and he felt his heart hammering in his chest as he stared at the creature that had appeared in front of him, dangling on a thread so fine, it was almost invisible. It was small, but to Vincent, the eight-legged menace may as well have been as big as a dinner plate. [color=orange]"I...sp...sp-sp..."[/color] he tried to say, though in the presence of such a creature, his voice couldn't seem to work.