[hr][hr][center][img]https://s22.postimg.cc/6g8onsz41/6a8a04c0ca1b1adbb23631ae5dfd661b.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/GjazZAE.png[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Kirah][@Nallore][@Natsu][hr][hr][h3][color=84B4E2][b]EARTH 257 - 6:30 AM Nov. 14th, 2021 - S.W.O.R.D. HQ, the Iron[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][color=84B4E2][b][i]Stolen Ship[/i][/b][/color] Cass tried nobly to grab the tools and assist, but she was knocked onto her ass, hitting the floor of the ship. The abrupt nature of the power being cut meant they were falling rapidly and keeping balance was challenging, even for the superhuman. Case in point, Darcy ended up falling to the side, slamming into the wall and groaning slightly from what had almost definitely left a series of bruises up her side. Maria tried to notch an arrow, but the suddenness of it caused her to actually drop her bow, the bow then sliding across the floor away from her. Flynn narrowly missed slamming into Matt, something that definitely would've improved their relationship, and he'd manage to stop his fall. Niah moved to try to get her magic headphones on Celestine, but ended up falling and hitting her nose on the ground, ouch, the headphones skidding away from her. Matt, seemingly the genius of the group, managed to grab onto a bar secured to the side of one of the consoles, keeping himself from falling. Folly started to lose her balance, only to narrowly recover, keeping herself from going to the ground. Bonnie's reflexes similarly allowed her to grab onto a nearby support and stabilize herself. Amelia jumped upwards, manipulating the air currents around herself in order to balance on her tippy toes. But in a stroke of cosmic stupidity, the person who fared worst of all was none other than the being formerly known as Celestine. The technopath pitched forward from the sudden change in momentum. But Celestine and everyone around wasn't the only one going flying. Maybe it was bad luck, maybe it was Amelia's air current manipulation or Oliver's speed, maybe it was just the force of gravity - but Folly's muramasa blade had pitched forward as well. There was a [i]SNIKT![/i] as Celestine's body came to a stop, impaled on that horrific blade. "WHAT THE FUCK!" Darcy screamed, terrified for her life. "SOMEONE DO SOMETHING OR WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!" [color=FFB795]"Jesus bloody fucking mother of Christ!"[/color] Amelia cursed, combining a few expressions into one. She tip-toed her way on over to the pilot's seat, manipulating the air around herself in order to stabilize herself, keeping her from losing her balance. When she got there, she took a seat and then saw that - well, she saw [i]nothing[/i]. They still didn't have any power. Whatever Celestine/not-Celestine had done, it hadn't ended with Celestine's death. [color=FFB795]"Someone needs to turn the bloody power back on or we're all going to go splat! Like those eggs we tossed off the roof as kids!"[/color] [color=f6989d]"Sparky, can you get the power back on?"[/color] Bonnie asked quickly. Sparky was an electrical engineer with electricity powers, as well as the ability to fly. She was pretty much the most qualified person on the ship at the moment in order to fix things and keep them from dying. [color=f6989d]"Oliver, can you make sure everyone is strapped in, just in case we have a crash landing?"[/color] she asked the speedster, figuring if he moved fast enough he would be able to keep his balance more or less. Raynor's heart was pounding, realizing the situation. He didn't know if he preferred this to the conversation he had been having with Sparky. Namely, his concern wasn't for himself - it was for her. He knew that he could walk away from this, he was an Asgardian, it might break every bone in his body but he would live to tell the tale - Sparky? Not so much. Of course, her reminder that she could fly did comfort him, but she also had an annoying tendency to want to help and save others - and [i]that[/i] was what he worried would get her killed.