[quote]OoC: Let's just get the easy one out. More to come.[/quote] [b]3V:[/b] You’ve got a few options, besides the android harem. NumbToNothing’s shouted out Sirius Drinks, an unabashed furry bar in Modern Aphrodite. All friends and allies welcome. If you want to do some culture reporting, that’s one in need of positive attention. Your mission, if you choose to accept it; Go out and have a good time. [b]NumbToNothing: [/b]Just make sure you’re cool with getting hit on [b]NumbToNothing:[/b] even bringing someone with you isn’t uh [b]NumbToNothing:[/b] anyway, they’re chill Otherwise, there’s the Grand Derby coming up in Churchill, Zeus. The future of horse racing is [i]wild[/i]. Back in the 20th century, stock car racing was how big manufacturers showed off the advantages of their latest developments. That fell off big time, when personal cars stopped being a thing. Now, it’s biotech companies showing off their biggest flexes. Most of the events go by their limitations; The quadrupeds only bracket, the 4 ton weight limit, the flyers-only. Categories for the jockeyed and the jockeyless. The divisions are nested fractally, too. Take the jockeyless events. Some are for competitors too unsafe to ride, so they’re raced like the greyhounds of old. Others are for competitors too intelligent to need a jockey. That used to be a showcase triumph; now the split’s just to prevent them getting an unfair advantage. There’ll be a lot of money on the line. Might be a good place to do some networking. Third option’s obvious but still worth bringing up. You could just run your shop for a bit and keep your ear to the ground while you take a breather. Let something come to you on your terms.