[h2][center]Karim Nazeri[/center][/h2] [hr] Things have gotten very interesting for Karim. Well, the world has gotten more interesting, for the worst. Here he is in the honor guard of King Horik after finding out that Revidia has betrayed the Eskandish and is now marching towards war. With King Horik vowing that blood with be spilled for this. It is something escorting a king that he does not follow but is inclined to do this since Eskand is allied with his home nation. So Karim feels like he has to do this, and does this mean that his countrymen are going to war also? In defense of their ally of Eskand? He wonders how does his family feels about this and what they will do. They are just merchants, but even war affects trade and the fortunes of those caught in the middle. They will think of something Karim hopes but still. He is just the son of a merchant and though a mage. He does not consider himself a warrior. He is more of a scholar, and he has not even considered having to fight. But, who knows what will happen. Karim took a moment while riding his horse to look around, and he could see some familiar faces. But, as he looked at the king was when he heard the shot and Kejser Horik falling down from his horse. Then some more would be fallen and for the moment. He was still alive and with the shouts of anger and alarm. Karim's heart beated even faster, this is it, an ambush. Quickly looking back at the king and it amazed him that not that Horik could duel wield two board swords. A gift given his size and strength. Then his speed as he ran towards their attackers. It was truly a sight to see, but now it is his turn to act. While he wondered where that massive intake of energy was coming from. Was it from the king or the attackers? Though feeling scared, Karim does not want to be a coward and simply hide while the others fight. So after a deep breath in an attempt to calm himself and dismounted and joined the defenders. He is still scared, but, again, he is no coward, and he will fight. Now time to see if this will be his last day.