[center][h1][color=#ffd700][b]Tristan Glory[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/nh9MN9w8/Gokudera-cropped.jpg [/img][/center] [center][hider=Inventory][h3][u][b]Inventory[/b][/u][/h3] Pokedollars-1000 Pokeballs-14 Premiere ball-1 potions-1 Camping gear Old and tattered pokemon textbook (gifted by nurse Joy) Emergency care kit(one multi-bristled brush, comb, tweezers, clippers, skin cream, compact mirror)[/hider][/center] [center][hider=On-Hand][u][b][/b][/u] [hider=King][b]King[/b] [img]https://projectpokemon.org/images/shiny-sprite/murkrow-f.gif [/img] species-Bird Type-Flying/Dark level-5 Ability- Super luck (The chance of a bearer's move being a critical hit is increased by 1 stage.) Moveset- -Peck -Astonish -Pursuit -Feather dance[/hider] [hider=Princess] [b]Princess[/b] [img]https://archives.bulbagarden.net/media/upload/2/26/Spr_5b_447.png [/img] Species- Emanation Pokemon Gender- Female Type- Fighting Level- 4 Ability- Prankster (gives priority to status moves) Moveset: - Quick attack - Endure - Feint [/hider] [/hider][/center] [center][hider=PC][u][b][/b][/u] [/hider][/center] Before long Tristan found himself at the ranch where he could see a number of Pokemon he had yet seen before. Some were cute and easily caught his attention like the wooly mareep and the batch of orange feathered chickens he especially found himself interested in, then there were the tauros which just screamed dangerous. Upon first look they seemed to be temperamental with the way they huffed and stamped about their pen telling him to steer clear of them. Tristan, however, wasn't exactly a fan of being at the ranch mainly due to the unpleasant smell that typically lingered around these places but compared to how badly the sewers must smell like, this was easily the superior choice both for the sake of his nose and not getting dirty. From the looks of things these pokemon weren't wild meaning trainers couldn't just go attempting to catch them, but surely there were ways to obtain any of them. After some quick scans of his pokedex to learn each of their names; Tristan found himself wanting either the mareep or torchic though the miltank could also make for an interesting option. But that would have to wait as his reason for being at this ranch was to once again see about this egg stealing incident and carried on, thankfully avoiding any tauros and miltank patties along the way and all the while his face showed a mixed expression of disgust and curiosity. An expression that quickly turned blank and eyes going wide as he noticed a shadow loom over him and turned to see the huge, towering Uraring? At least that was what he thought he saw at first, but then realized the imposing figure was that of a hugely bulky man who looked as if to be built of powerful muscles and a great big bushy beard hiding his gruff face. This was a man who lived a long and hard life, the exact opposite of Tristan who lived an easy and cushy life that left him with the sense that this bulky brute could snap in half like a fragile twig without even trying as he was left craning his neck to look up at him with a nervous gulp. He already angered two others and that definitely did not go well with it nearly getting him punched by that fiery she-beast and a humiliating defeat by a female giant. In fact, he has taken to noticing having met several such intimidating folks and started to wonder if this region was filled with giants. It took a moment for him to realize he had been staring up at the man wide eyed due to being intimidated and pondering on such that he quickly scrambled to collect himself by clearing his throat."[color=#ffd700] Ahem, y-yes well... first I would like to clarify that my name is Tristan...Tristan Glory.[/color]" He paused after introducing himself, detesting being referred to as a boy then cleared his throat once more to continue."[color=#ffd700] Consider it an honor for I, a Glory have decided to grace his presence upon your ranch to offer his assistance pertaining to the rumored issue regarding eggs being stolen.[/color]" Placing a hand on his hips as he tried to maintain a confident bravado while speaking in a somewhat cocky, albeit slightly shaky voice that nearly cracked at the end as it was clearly taking effort to maintain this tough image in front of such an imposing bear of a man.