[center][img]https://i.gifer.com/2r5w.gif[/img] Level 7: 57/70 Location: Carcass Isle- Kosm's Beach Word Count: not 500 Points Gained: 2 New EXP Balance--- Level 7: 59/70 [/center] Sakura watched as everything exploded and stopped. And that was it. Sakura’s shoulders dropped and she let out a long, low sigh of relief. She wiped a tear from her eye as she saw the tar recede and the hands reach up to the sky. There was still a sense of wonder as she saw all of these impossible things. Even if it was tampered by how she had gone to a relatively normal teenage girl to a battle hardened veteran over the course of a day and a half. Elation of victory plus bad times. Sakura didn’t know how to feel. She watched, worriedly, as Geralt decided to take the spirit into himself. It was either that or let it come back and have to kill it all over again later, so they didn’t really have a choice. While she didn’t mean to be selfish…no way was she taking that thing into herself. No freaking way. She didn’t want to be a giant ugly crazy old baby. She’d rather fight it all over again than do that. Much to her delight though, the changes weren’t drastic at all, and Geralt seemed the same as usual. If anything, he looked a little more normal now that he wasn’t cartoonishly giant. Sakura gave him reassuring side hug and skipped on over to Link’s side. Infact, she would offer hugs to anyone who would accept it. [color=f49ac2][b]Add +1 Sakura Hug to your inventory. [/b][/color] She considered Blazermate and the Koopa Troop’s ideas.[color=f49ac2] “As much as I would like to get straight back to Limsa…” [/color]Sakura began. [color=f49ac2]“Oh, man. I want to get straight back to Limsa. Alright, Link, Kamek. I’ll come with you two guys but we should seriously make this quick. I want to sit on a freaking chair.”[/color] Sakura said. She hadn’t even had the luxury of sitting on a simple, comfortable chair. With that small bit of complaining out of the way, she followed the wizard and the hero on their quest to measure the stability of a newly liberated region. [color=f49ac2]"It's like we're the United Nations or something."[/color] She muttered under her breathe. She paused as Link briefly considered Delsin's sad spirit. The fact that he didn't get revived after all broke her heart. And the street fighter wasn't sure what to do with the spirit, either. Personally, she only took Arashio's spirit as a spur of the moment decision to help people. Thinking of a living person, an ally, as an upgrade didn't feel right at all. Rubbing her elbow, she seemed relieved that Link thought to just keep the issue for later.