[@samreaper] This Ursaring of man arched a bushy brow at this strange young man. The kid looked like he had seen death looming over him. The farmer was not exactly sure what the deal was with this kid, but it looked like he wanted something though this was quite the curious fellow. His clothing was noticeably high end, even the farmer could recognize that. This boy looked like he came from money, so it was quite odd to find someone like this kid on his farm. Well, at least until the kid finally came out with what he wanted. This kid wanted the job? He looked like he never worked a day in his life! Also, was the Glory name meant to mean anything to him? Well, he needed help, and this was the first person to actually come to take the job. Beggars can't be choosers, he supposed. [b]"Hmmm. Alright Tristan, follow me inside. We will discuss the details of the job."[/b] He turned around and motioned with his head to follow him to what appeared to be his actual home. It was actually a surprisingly large farm style house with a luxuriously large wooden deck decorated with wooden chairs with soft cushions of high quality as well as various other bits of outdoor furniture. In fact, the house itself look superbly well maintained and definitely did not look like it was anything that came cheaply. Of course, not nearly as luxurious and impressive as the Glory estate, but despite this man's gruff image, he looked like he was pretty damn successful. The farmer led Tristan through his home and perhaps he would notice that the decor was very modern and yet still had an edge to it with exposed red brick walls in certain areas, dark wooden beams across the ceiling, and sliding wooden barndoors. Eventually, they would arrive in what appeared to be the kitchen and dining area. The most noticeable thing about the room was that one wall was just a massive glass panel that looked over his property. [b]"Take a seat."[/b] He motioned his hand to some barstools that were by a white granite countertop. The farmer then went to his fridge and grabbed a jug of something and then two glasses from an overhead cabinet. Soon there were two glasses of iced tea that was unsweetened but had the taste of mint of and lemon. [b]"The name is Neil Andersen, the founder and proprietor of Frida's Ranch. Pardon the late introduction. It's just been a day."[/b] He said tiredly and honestly, if it were not for the fact that his face was obscured by his beard, he'd probably look even more tired. [b]"I'll cut to the chase. Someone or something has been stealing the eggs that my Pokemon produce. If I don't nip this at the bud, I am going to lose a serious amount of money and before you ask, yes, I asked the police. They were useless."[/b] He said rather brusquely. [b]"Your task is simple. Find whatever it is that's stealing my eggs and stop it. Your payment will be 7500P if you can do it. Is that fair?"[/b] Tristan could just accept this deal as it was, or he could try and negotiate to get more money or something else. Within reason, of course. [hr] [@CitrusArms] Yeah, no, that was not really going to happen again. Not all wild Pokemon were going to simply rollover like Ocul the Blipbug did and go without a fight. This was the exact case for this little Yamper here. The Yamper rolled onto its feet and crouched as much as it could with its stubby little legs. The dopey look on its face was replaced with a fierce look where it bore its fangs at the trainer and her bug Pokemon, growling, sparks of electricity crackled around it. It looked like if she wanted to catch a Yamper, she was going to have to do this the hard way. The Yamper started to charge right for Stella, slowly. Honestly, it isn't a very fast Pokemon and just by looking at it, it's really not hard to see why. Those legs it had were not made speed. Besides that, what does she do? Would she stick with Ocul or would she get her Tyrunt to stop savoring its first meal after being a fossil for who knows how many millenniums to help catch the electric corgi? [hr] [@Zarkun] Connor shrugged, mainly because he was not sure what to do. Battling them was definitely not the best option seeing as it could go wrong in so many ways even if they won. The last thing they needed was to be misled by some sore losers and get stuck in the forest for lord knows how long. They were going to need think outside the box for this, something that did not require battling. [color=f7941d]"Eh, sounds like we need a more delicate touch in general. They're collectors, not battlers. Maybe we could appeal to that?"[/color] He suggested. Maybe they could work an angle where both parties could be satisfied. [color=f7941d]"Well, only one way to find out."[/color] With that, he led Jason to the group of bug-maniacs. One of them turned to do the approaching due and with an ever-unfriendly expression, [b]"And what do you want?"[/b] This guy had glasses so thick that one would struggle to tell what his eyes looked like, but besides that he looked pretty bland. [color=f7941d]"Told ya they were a friendly bunch."[/color], said Connor to his companion.