[color=silver][h2][center]Stella Lumite[/center][/h2][/color] [hider=inventory]GP: 200 Items: PokeBall 3x, Potion x1[/hider] Yeah, didn't think it would be that easy. The pupper tried to look fierce, but somehow still looked kind of dopey. Maybe it was the general body shape. Just kinda chunky and non-threatening. The sparks it generated while running were the most threatening thing, really. But, it was so [i]slow[/i], she wondered how much momentum it had behind it. Those stubby legs couldn't be good for turning, at any rate. "[color=silver]Ocul. Get him with Struggle Bug when I jump out of the way. Then I'll try to catch him.[/color]" Her bug nodded to her, and she growled at the Yamper to egg goad it on. She let the it get close and Kaebe tackled the poor unsuspecting thing from the side! "[color=00aeef]Ruuunt![/color]" "[color=silver]Oh. Ok.[/color]" Sure. Kaebe's getting decently strong, so maybe it would be good to go right for the pokeball, if he's the one who got a shot in. So she did. She tossed a PokeBall at the probably surprised and confused Yamper, figuring she might have to apologize later for Kaebe blindsiding it. Kaebe, meanwhile, took a protective stance on front of Stella.