[@evierose] A heavy darkness like a blanket upon your conscious weighs you down, like sleep is trying to take you yet a harsh light beats down from above and a distant shrill cry of some sort of alarm rings in your ears. As your vision clears you soon wish it hadn't, you sit lightly pinned beneath suitcases in the smoldering wreck of an aeroplane, corpses of other passengers strewn about it is horrific and panic strikes as you realize fire is eating it's way towards you slowly consuming the wreckage. An escape hatch is just in reach, you must get out before you meet a fiery death. [hider=SYSTEM STATS] CONDITION: Slightly Injured [i]Sprained Ankle[/i] (You have sustained a minor injury, it will heal in a few days.) Pinned (Something/Someone has you pinned down, you can try to escape to end the condition.) [/hider]