Raymond was taken aback by his surroundings, it was a scene he had seen many times in TV shows but never thought he would experience himself. There was a buzz in his head, and he could feel himself shaking. The increasing heat reminded him that he needed to save himself from the imminent doom. He was trying to bring his hands to his face, when he realized there were suitcases on top of him. They were heavy enough to dull the sensation in his mid- and lower-body, but posed no immediate harm. [i]Deep breathes.[/i] Raymond said to himself. He was still shaking, but his head was clearer. He wiggled his arms free as he examined his location. He noticed the escape hatch close by, in fact, just within his reach. Now, he just needed to free himself. He tried shifting the various items on top of him to make room for him to wiggle out. He also looked out for loose tray tables, or boards in general, that he could insert between himself and the suitcase immediately on top to reduce friction.