[color=6ecff6]"Yeah, you are right."[/color] Cat nodded at Donny's assestment of the situation with the chasm ahead of them. She eyed how wide the hole was and roughly how much space she had to pick up speed, given ehr current gear and a few other possible factors that were of note for a jump of that nature. Usually a jump of ten feet was nothing for her, but being underground with ice and her usual gear was a bit iffy. That and she wasn't actually certain how stable the ground was. She quickly began securing everything on herself. Making sure the bag was tightly closed and even if something goes wrong, nothing would fall out. That her rifle was neatly around her body on it's sling and so on. Once everything was indeed ready, she pulled her knife in a reverse grip and gestured to Donny.[color=6ecff6]" Alright, give me the rope. Need to wrap it around myself just in case, I'm not very sure that the ground near the chasm is stable enough. Better be safe than sorry." [/color]Once the rope was handed over and she wrapped one end around her waist, she nodded at him, before bolting forward. One step, two steps, three steps and she was right by the edge. Just as she was already in the process of crouching down in the motion to build up potential energy for the jump, a cracking sound filled her ear and she by instinct jumped early and just in time as the entire chunk of the floor underneath her feet simply fell down into the chasm, shards of concrete and ice breaking off. She however managed to jump in time, what wasn't as good was that she didn't have enough energy build into the jump to make it clean over. Instead half her body was over the edge only, legs dangling as she hit the other side, almost blowing all the air in her lungs when the edge of the chasm hit into her chest. It bloody hurt, but she managed to hold on because she stapped her dagger deep into the ice, managing to grab a bit of leverage to not slip downwards. Cat was trying to catch her breath, knowing that she might have cracked a rib with that hit, but had no choice. With feet flailing about until she managed to step on a nice tiny ledge and her other hand grasping forward and into objects on the other end, she finally pulled herself over the edge, crawled over to the railtracks and untied the rops from herself transfering it to the tracks and gave Donny the thumbs up to move over as she was busy examining her ribs by lightly touching them to see if anything gae easily. Nothing was moving too much, so she was thinking it was cracked ribs case and the hurtful line across her lower chest gave credence to that theory. Cat knew that in a day or two if she was to take off her shirts, there would be a dark blue/green line where the chasm edge had impacted. Not pleasant, not pleasant at all. Clentching her teeth, she supposed it could have been worse. She oculd have lost grip of her knife or the knife could have not been enough to hold herself from slipping. Then who knew how she might have hurt herself from that fall, even if she had the rope tied to donny for just that situation. Just impacting back the other side of the chasm at a bad angle could be deadly or crippling. She was lucky this time.