[center][h3]Zarif[/h3][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/lYkurse.png[/img][/center] [indent][indent] As soon as Zarif finished off the crumbling wall, the chaos behind it was revealed. More of those cursed blue demons has surprised the other group. As soon as the wall fell, the priest and Siris charged past the merchant and the brute, scrambling over the rubble of the wall. Near as soon as the Priest stopped, he was set upon from another hall. [i]Blast! They have us surrounded[/i]. The merchant thought to yell to Siris to help Idden, but the overly excited mercenary charged off down the far hall into the darkness, shouting. The priest, clutching his side, hobbled away, and despite his wound, cried out resolutely. Zarif was no follower of this man's strange god, but seeing him standing brave despite his near-death inspired the foreigner all the same. Without his companion with him, he latched onto whatever he could to give him courage, it would seem. [b]Zarif:[/b] [i]Etor! On me! Phalanx formation on the hall! Swap spears![/i] The once-merchant shouted, stuffing as much false bravado and valor into his words as he could, and [i]charged[/i], still gripping his longspear. He reached the hall, stepping in the Priest's own blood, and, tragically, slipped, his pear going wide and to the side of the robed Yeek down the hall. This heavy spear would leave him a sitting duck against these stronger looking yeeks... he hoped Etor had heard his cry. He had but seconds before it was too late [center][sub][i]Zarif moves to 10-30 and attacks the Yeek Ensi with his longspear, and misses gaining 1 xp. There is no counter attack[/i][/sub][/center][/indent][/indent] [center][hider=Statsheet (outdated)][img width="50" height="50"]https://imgur.com/6GyE2bC.png[/img][/hider][/center]