[right][sub][sub][@Flamelord]&[@AtomicNut][/sub][/sub][/right] [color=fff79a][i]’Thank you Lady Luck!’[/i][/color] Aurelio was screaming internally as he escaped with surprisingly light injuries altogether. A nasty scrape and a light bit of lacerations on his leg were much less than he expected to get away with, but sometimes luck went his way. That moment of elation was nearly lost as he glanced over and saw that Alicia had been a much worse recipient of the spear spell from their unnamed interloper. Aurelio wasn’t entirely sure he should count her as an ally anymore due to all the friendly fire. He didn’t lose the [color=#FF33CC][b]Elation[/b][/color] however; it was too useful of an emotion to give up after all. Holding it close to him he raced forward two copies popping into existence as he ran, they were simple clones no real magic in them. As he only needed them as lookouts, his entire focus was on Alicia. As he approached the Elation he held shifted and grew as he tapped into the revisor of emotion he made sure to carry with him. In this revisor he only carried three different emotions. The three strongest emotions in his opinion. Love, Wonder and Hate. He never had any of those emotions in large supply as true displays of them were rare and hardly public. But he did have Love at the moment. And for a friend obviously seriously wounded in possibly hostile environment? It was no question that he would dip into his limited stock for her. Sann was ignored as Aurelio knelt next to Alicia. The manifested blade of light was ignored as he gripped his cane tightly, his eyes closed in concentration. [color=fff79a][B]“Storgḗ”[/B][/color] he would intone as a white flow of light would start pouring from his focus. And instantly Alicia was flooded with relief. The pain was simply gone and her injuries were mending. It was magical healing at its finest, even if it might not be at its fastest. But that was understandable as Alicia’s mana was also being restored and her appearance was being cleaned up as well. As this was more than just healing it was restoration. The feeling it invoked were numerous; warmth, annoyance, pride, tenderness, acceptance, happiness, sadness, hope, comfort. Yet despite all that, the central idea in the magic was simple. Family. And that shown though the spell with blazing clarity. Alicia was Family. Because to Aurelio, Beacon was family. And family deserved the best when they were in need. [hr] [right][sub][sub][@PlatinumSkink]&[@twave]&[@AtomicNut]&[@Majora]&[@Ponn][/sub][/sub][/right] Chaos was the best word to describe the raging conflict in the industrial district. Allies and enemies kept appearing in equal measure, but the magical girls were holding. More than that they were winning! Slowly, but surely, they were turning back the tide. Dina’s presence was a great boon to the Sanctuary girls, the other reinforcements just compounded that. Hope was on the rise, and it looked like they would be getting out of here mostly alive even if it was much more banged up than expected. Then Justine quit the battle field. Redeemed Sinner that she was she was no insignificant contributor to the fight. A bad loss to be sure but not yet a fatal one. Ashlyn was the first to notice her tactics shifting to compensate. She shied away from offense more, her arms now being used as living barricades more often than not as she also conjured basic translucent red walls of reinforcement to block what blows she could see. The urging in the back of her mind was growing louder and louder. She needed to protect them. Needed to Protect them. Her offense faltered even further as she was losing the focus needed to push her instincts away. Though her defensive timing only grew sharper. Belladonna was the most effected by Ashlyn’s shift in tactics. She couldn’t go out and harass the enemies anymore, but that didn’t mean she was any less dangerous. Her ears were on a constant swivel as at last she had stopped laughing, though her manic grin had hardly dimmed. Her strikes simply grew sharper, her ranged was limited but her claws were easily capable of rending limbs, and her kicks were strong enough to decapitate if landed squarely. Monica was still in the fight, the monsters trying to attack her running head long into walls of fire. Her mood was clear as day. So long as you understood Greek that was. As she was cursing and swearing near constantly as the fight progressed. It sounded like a chant due to the musical quality her voice had, but for anyone who understood the language she was cursing up a blue streak. Then Mayra also chose to quit the battle as well. One ace leaving was painful, but survivable. Both of them? That was a death sentence for someone. Because as much as everyone was pulling together to face this onslaught, they were still outnumbered. There were thirteen Wendigos left, possibly more that were only playing dead. Just like that the fight gained a desperate edge. Which only further drained them. How long could they last before they lost someone, this time permanently? But the fight carried on, injures piling up as the fighters grew sloppy due to exhaustion. It was only a matter of time until someone made a mistake. And when it came it was Ashlyn. The cause was her degrading rationality. She needed to protect others, a noble set of instincts to be sure. But they denied her the ability to recognize herself as someone who needed protecting. So, she got so caught up in doing everything she could to prevent anyone else she could see from taking another hit. She never saw the Wendigos sneak up on her. Three at once ramming into her unprotected side. Two trying to tear into her with their filthy claws, the last trying to gore her with its antlers. Her skin was naturally thick and tough, further bolstered by Dina’s enhancements. But there was only so much that could be done when Ashlyn simply wasn’t trying to defend herself. The claws only left scrapes, ragged ones, but better than tearing any deeper. The antlers landed with a sick crack that could only mean badly broken ribs, possibly worse. The oni was launched away, breaking the triangle formation, leaving the flank exposed. Her scream of pain was only eclipsed by Monica’s outcry of concern. The pack of Wendigos descended on the obviously downed member, and neither Monica or Belladonna could reach Ashlyn in time. Luck had finally run out it seemed. Monica was struck numb, unable to act, paralyzed by the fact she was about to lose Ashlyn. Then the world shook as an impact rocked the alleyway. From above descended a bolt of living wrath that fell upon the beasts that converged over Ashlyn without mercy. Rejoice; her presence seemed to command as the roar of her interjection at last resounded out. Four dead Wendigos flaking away around her. Rejoice, for The Queen had arrived. And bad things were about to happen to all who threated her Sanctuary. [hr] [Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200312/bd228c426d0da7459764cb788d45b1cd.png[/img] [Sub].:⋮Titanfall⋮:.[/Sub] [hider=Summary] (21) | (21) | (21) | (9) | (5) (Metal & Lightning & Gravity) | (Regen & Prime) (Bile) | (Tooth and Claw) | (Elemental) | (Enhanced Uniform) | (Imortality) (Monstrous Metamorph) | (Legacy) | (Enhanced Weapon) | (Dual Weapon) | (Gifted) (ShineSpark) | (Perfect life) | (ManaFont) (Vow:Hope) | (Excomunication) (Redirected magic) | (Second spec) | (Transport) (Broken reincarnation) | (Non standard limbs) | (Debt) [/hider] [/center] [i]one minute to impact[/i] The repeated attacks on her home, the threats that lingered in the dark unspoken by the Mint and by Ascendency. The gall and insolence of Monsters to strike into claimed territory. Her undiminished anger from earlier. The echo of a faded need to destroy. All of these things swirled inside Penny as she raced through the City. Her home was on the other side of Penrose, and before this moment her record for crossing that distance on foot had been forty-five minutes. But that was because Penny played her capabilities close to her chest. No one really knew what she was fully capable at any given moment but her. But she was done with hiding right now, done with letting her home look like a soft target because she was only so strong. So that vast distance? Was gone in a fraction of the time. Anyone connected to the local network knew when Penny entered the industrial district as well. Because her presence was suddenly everywhere within it. Every camera, every phone, every bit of GPS running software had Penny’s touch on it. This area of the City was hers. Earned by right. And she was going to show everyone watching just why they needed to stop messing with it. When she only had a street left, she would simply go up and over the last building in her way. Launching herself high she would take in the chaos below with a sharp and experienced eye. Then she let herself fall. Past the phoenix and through Shane’s pocket storm, though she did steal a stray bolt or two from the latter. [center][i][b][h2]Impact[/h2][/b][/i][/center] Penny wasted no time in showing exactly why she was so dangerous. She didn’t give anyone a chance to adapt to her presence, no moment to recover from her impact. She was instantly in motion again. Each attack she gave off was blisteringly fast, and savagely aimed. Death was her preferred outcome, but it was readily apparent that dismemberment was just as viable an alternative. Earlier Belladonna bounced and ricocheted around the alleyway on her own like a violent wind of fang and claw. Penny now was all that and more. her claws would lash out with the force of of jackhammers, ripping though flesh and bone with frightening ease due to the projected energy blades lining her fingers. Her spider limbs brimmed with caged lightning and writhed about her lancing through skulls and chests with machine precision. The bright blue of her energy fields, her elongated frame, and her near ephemeral appearance as steams of electricity arced off her as she tore into the host of beasts that dared attack her home gave off a freighting visage. It was a sight that few people had ever seen. A Penny who wasn’t holding back to wear down her foe. A Penny who simply wanted you dead. A machine of warfare, operating at full capacity.