4: Wynter Steelsnow Age: 23 Occupation: Knight and rightful heir to the throne of Winterdale. Likes: Training hard, helping out commoners and protecting people in the kingdom and doing errands. Dislikes: People who pick on the weak, rodents, seafood and his superiors. Personality: Kind and calm, as well as calculating. Weapon: Giant Sword Bio: Not much is known about him, other than he was a slave, who was rescued by the kingdom he now serves. He protects the people of his kingdom, especially the weak and the commoners and helps them out in the fields with farm work. With this he got his King's respect, but superiors and other knights makes fun out of him. The king has his own sons, but took Winter as his own, after learning his merits. The king decided to place him as the heir to the throne, so his other sons could follow his example. After a few years the king lost his way. His birth sons kept their father's secrets from Winter and other knights have singled him out as they feared Winter would take actions into his own hands. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/550x/f0/d3/ea/f0d3ea269fa460257eacb660b01d7532.jpg[/img]