[quote=Zane620] how do they suck? I mean sure some things are annoying but how does it suck? [/quote] Ok, it doesn't completely suck. But they fucked up the series. In the beginning it was a horror game, now it's become all about action. Can't go two seconds without an explosion, or helicopter miniguns and crap. It's too crowded with all the crap, now I'm all about change don't get me wrong, but when a survival horror changes into an action 'horror' where you can carry eight million heavy/auto guns and find ammo around every corner then it's no surprise why people say the series is going downhill. That's pretty much my main problem with the series, it's not what it's supposed to be, which is why I'm glad the creator left the series and is working on something new (That actually looks good). And Resident Evil six had a fair enough story I thought, it brought back some old characters, introduced new stories that somehow found relevance in other character's stories....Wesker's son (Troy Baker *0*). The story wasn't too bad in that game, but it still didn't give me hope for that series. Especially those QTE, the fuck I need a QTE for when I'm opening a door being chased by zombie dogs that can interrupt my QTE? Like what? <.<