Wallace smiled encouragingly to Marae, tropical rain flattening her hair against her porcelain face. She nodded to Alderney, who began clearing a path back to the ship. Leading the Rothian scientist away, the Plenipotentiary looked back and nodded to Chirtsey, who turned and followed after Nirann. They drew a hard-light wakizashi from the folds of their robes and held it at their side as they pushed through the crowds. [hr] “Heyy, get off!” Freyr slurred, taking another hit of her stim stick while pulling at the hand which held her, one knee on the barrier. “Watch it!” The person carrying her yelled as a stray foot caught him in the face. [I]“All of a sudden, I'm hypnotized You're the one that I can't deny."[/i] The bassist pointed out into the crowd. The music built toward a crescendo. “I just want to tell them the truth!” Freyr screeched, straining with all her might to free herself, looking back towards the stage. [i]”Every time that I say I'm gonna walk away…”[/I] The band looked at each other and smiled, then everyone jumped up or flailed their arms as they hit the chorus. [i]”YOU TURN ME ON LIKE A LIGHTSWITCH.”[/I] The music paused for dramatic effect and an array of white strobe lights flashed across the stage. Cheering took over for a second before they launched back into action. [i]”When you’re moving your body around and arounnnnd.”[/i] Suddenly, a much brighter light appeared in the background. An empyrean lance, reaching down from the clouds above to touch ground somewhere in the city behind. Another soon followed, further off to the left. The noise from the crowd reached a deafening level, including from Freyr. [i]”Now, I don't wanna fight this, no. You know how to just make me want…”[/i] The band continued attacking their instruments, unaware of what was happening behind them. Freyr’s breath caught in her throat, and she choked. Somehow, she could feel her pupils dilating as she stared into the thread of energy pulsing down from orbit. Then, as soon as they’d appeared, the lances disappeared. [i]”You turn me on like a light switch! When you're movin' your body around and arounnndd…”[/i] Freyr threw up. Chunks of her dinner cascaded down in front of the person holding her up, who recoiled in terror. She felt herself falling, and even as Nirann manoeuvred into position, her nose hit the barrier below her. Everything in her vision erupted in a shower of sparks, before going black. [i]“You got me in a tight grip yeah.”[/i] Her vision erupted into a shower of sparks, and Freyr closed her eyes unconscious. [hr] Her eyes opened again, and though it was hard to stay awake, she knew she was looking through someone else’s eyes. Harsh sunlight reflected off sand dunes as they whooshed past. They were going fast, and the ride was bumpy; Freyr could feel her host’s hands gripping the gunwale as they surveyed the desert. Loud engines thumped behind them. The air smelled of acrid smoke and… Salt? Her host’s hands released the gunwale. “Doctor Lang?” A voice said out loud - one Freyr would recognise anywhere. 595.