[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5r7OTIh.png[/img] [b][color=Aquamarine]wordcount:[/color][/b] 709 (+1) [b][color=Aquamarine]Midna: level 7[/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aquamarine]/////////////////////////////////////////////[/color]//////////////////////////// (45/70) [b][color=Aquamarine]Location:[/color][/b] Sandswept Sky - Graveyard of the Peaks [/center] Prompted by her guesswork the aerial crew surged forwards and aimed to strike at the three great glowing runes half hidden by the titanic wyrm’s ridge-like scales. Sectonia struck first and fastest, driving her blades into a nearby rune, causing a spray of black blood and a great cry of pain from the titan. [color=Aquamarine]”Knew it!”[/color] Midna cheered as she saw this happen, and then braced for whatever retaliation was going to come in response to that wound. That response turned out to be… a corkscrew of a turn. While it might have been quite the effective shake off strategy, tossing the queen bee aside and forcing everyone else to cling on for dear life, but that turned out to be about it. [color=Aquamarine]”Where’s the fury and the fire? The, I dunno, swarms of kees or something? Anything? What is going on here?”[/color] the princess asked herself as she drew closer, confused by the lack of any offensive abilities on the great snake. She was getting a bad feeling about this, one that only grew as the second rune was attacked and eliciting only more shaking. More writhing from the wounded beast. Then the time for reflection was over for the moment as Midna’s vibrava assisted flight caught up with the titan, and she shot out a shadow hand to grab hold and pull herself aboard. She immediately regretted it. [color=Aquamarine]”Oh goddesses, I think I’m going to be sick”[/color] the princess groaned through a hand cupping her mouth and puffed up cheeks as the shaking disturbed her recently filled stomach. With dragon clawed toes, hand and shadow hand gripping tight she fought for control of her body and after a few moments shoved down the nausea through sheer force of will. After that first trial, it certainly felt like more of a life or death struggle now that she was aboard and climbing threehandidly up along its fur, vibrava wings buzzing behind her to keep her pulled down (or sideways, or up) into the dragon’s body, but it still felt like a reasonable reaction form a wild beast being hunted than a battle with a captain of the enemy. Her extra limb, her vibrava’s wings and the power of her levitation certainly made her climb easier than it was for some, even if her light little body meant that every buck was ever more treacherous, and so soon enough she’d gotten to the last fin. [color=Aquamarine]”Almost over. Almost done.”[/color] she muttered, still a little queasy, as she grasped the fin with an oversized shadowhand, and then heaved with all her magical might. [color=Aquamarine]”Come on come on just a little crack and- gotcha!”[/color] she shouted as her heave drew the fin up just enough to open a little gap between it and the fur. Seizing this bit of progress, the princess summoned her two sized up wolfos on either side of her via portal to aid her. After scrambling to find purchase on its back for a moment, the wolfos and wolf-dran both managed to sip their lower jaws into the gap she’d created. Then both clamped their maw shut around the fin and together, along with the princess, wrenched it upwards, cracking it open to expose the Sigil beneath [color=Aquamarine]”like shellfish, and there’s the meat inside”[/color] The princess drew the longer of her knives from the twilight realm, almost lost it to the wind for a second, and then hefted it to strike what might well be the final blow… and hesitated as her doubts suddenly crystalized at the last second. [color=Aquamarine]”Ah… goddesses damn it I am going to eat so much grief for this if i’m wrong”[/color] she cursed with a sigh, before pulling back and letting the fin snap shut in front of her. [color=Aquamarine]”I’m calling a timeout! We aren’t in any actual danger, so lets hang back and think this through, because something is off here, and I really don't want to murder some giant defenseless animal without being sure we actually have too!”[/color] She shouted out to the others while clinging to the fur for dear life, slapping a shadow hand down over the fin to keep it sealed shut, at least for the moment. She did not need anymore avoidable deaths on her conscience.