[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/L4JY57Ms/Leon-Banner.jpg[/img] Interacting with: Carmilla [@Animus][/center] [hr] [b][u]Earlier that day[/u][/b] Leon was one of the first to leave Mathematics class. But instead of heading to lunch immediately, Leon waited at the door watching the exiting students go by. It seems he was looking for someone specific. Once Carmilla had crossed his path, he moved to politely pull her aside. [color=fff200][b]"Carmilla, if I could have a moment of your time. I was hoping that we could have lunch together. Just you and me."[/b][/color] Leon took a pause before realising what he had said. [color=fff200][b]"Unfortunately, I'm not asking you on a date. I believe we have some important things to discuss that could use some... privacy."[/b][/color] He was glad he cleared that up. If she had thought it was a date and found it was something else, well, Leon didn't think she would take it well. Carmilla was so nice after all. [color=881515][b]"It would be a pleasure to have lunch with you,"[/b][/color] she responded. In truth, it was not a pleasure. As a result of maintaining appearances, Carmillia was still experiencing fatigue from Conversion class with Zeno Afraval. Her below-average capacity combined with her unique usage of magic that did not require much energy meant she was not particularly gifted in drawing much energy. Though Zeno Afraval had specified to stop drawing at the slightest effects of fatigue from capacity drawing, Carmillia had continued past that in order to match up to the results of her peers. [color=881515][b]"Do you have any place in mind for us to have this discussion?"[/b][/color] she asked. Experience from meeting fans had keyed Leon in on a few skills. Carmilla had some minor tension in her shoulders. It was obvious this was nervousness from being alone with a star such as himself. But she had no need to worry, Leon would try to set her mind at ease. [color=fff200][b]"Please, it is nothing so special. Just a simple talk between friends. Although the subject matter won't be so savoury I'm afriad."[/b][/color]Leon made eye contact with her and gave a reassuring smile. [color=fff200][b]"But as it so happens, I do have a place in mind."[/b][/color] Despite her attempt to conceal it, it seemed that Leon had noticed her fatigue and consequently formed a misunderstanding. Carmillia rolled her eyes inwardly but let the matter rest. [color=fff200][b]"Please show the way,"[/b][/color] she said. Leon lead Carmilla outside into the small grassy area outside of the Academy building they were in. He settled beneath a large tree providing plenty of shade from the dour weather. [color=fff200][b]"I hope you don't mind us talking outdoors. I am particularly comfortable in the open, but I am happy to go back inside if you so wish.[/b][/color]" [color=881515][b]"I'm happy with our current environment,"[/b][/color] she responded. It would be a hassle to head back into the school and search for a private spot. All she wanted at the moment was to catch a breather and focus on what Leon wanted to talk about. [color=fff200][b]"But onto the matter at hand, I wanted to talk to you about Jomurr"[/b][/color] Leon explained. his typical showman expression fading to a more serious Leon. [color=fff200][b]"I think you already know what I'm referring to."[/b][/color] [color=881515][b]"I do,"[/b][/color] she responded. Given both of them had an abberation appear on their respective nightstands, it only made sense if one did appear for Jomurr as well. The only link between her and Leon was that they were fellow Biros and that also applied to Jomurr. [color=881515][b]"It's possible he thought he was the only one to receive an abberation. It must have caught him off guard when you brought it up,"[/b][/color] she said. [color=881515][b]"I doubt he has any links to the Traveler and simply wanted to improve his own magic capacity."[/b][/color] She paused. [color=881515][b]"It's possible Zeno Fades-in-Moonlight is already aware of this."[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b]"Yes, I had initially considered the Traveller. Considering our lack of noble blood, it would be likely the Traveller would leave Jomurr out of the oppurtunity. However, I don't know if you have kept up with the rumours from yesterday and this morning, but it wasn't just us. Plenty of students woke up to an abberation yesterday morning. Some others kept quiet in any discussion about it. Should these rumours be true, perhaps every student could have received the offer."[/b][/color] Such rumors had indeed been spreading. The morning lessons were filled with hush discussions from other students regarding abberations. Carmillia nodded. Leon leaned back and gave a drawn out exhale. [color=fff200][b]"My apologies, that was quite a mouthful. I would be lying if I said that this whole thing hadn't been weighing on my mind all morning."[/b][/color] With a chuckle, he pulled out an apple and started eating. [color=fff200][b]"As for Zeno Luna, I have not considered her involvement. Whats your impression of her?"[/b][/color] [color=881515][b]"I doubt she was involved in placing the abberations, if that's what you're asking,"[/b][/color] she answered. [color=881515][b]"That said, she probably knows much more about it than she's letting up on. It's likely there's a relation to the assasination attempt."[/b][/color] The persona that Leon Solaire often displayed did not strike her as one to possess intrigue towards such matters. She had suspicions before but her opinion of him was starting to consolidate around the fact he was no mere charlatan. [color=881515][b]"Do you perhaps know something as well?"[/b][/color] she asked. Leon took a pause considering whether he should disclose more information to Carmilla. He had no reason to doubt her. In fact, considering she didn't touch her abberation, he was inclined to trust the girl. [color=fff200][b]"You know I have been questioning whether the attack at the plaza is all there was. Having our memories wiped is some powerful magic for it to just be defused. No one was caught and nothing notably bad happened. That is strange to me."[/b][/color] [color=fff200][b]"I doubt this has much connection to the abberations but it is a scary thought none the less. Two strange dangerous events happening within less than a day is not a good sign."[/b][/color] Leon took a good pause to let that sink in. [color=fff200][b]"I trust you Carmilla. I trust that this conversation doesn't spread further than us two until we find others with the same goals."[/b][/color] It looked like Leon had placed the pieces together as well. As far as Carmillia could tell, most of the students had not noticed anything, given she had heard no rumors about the matter. [color=881515][b]"Your trust is in good hands,"[/b][/color] she reassured him. Although Carmillia most definitely did not possess the same goals as the performer, this was an oppurtunity to get more involved with events that were conspiring in Ersand'Enise. For all the previous oppurtunities that Leon had nipped in the bud for her, he was now presenting her with a new one. The Sunblessed taketh and the Sunblessed giveth, she thought. [color=881515] [b]"It's clear that we should do something. Do you perhaps already have something planned in mind?"[/b][/color] she asked. Leon took a noticable pause to ponder what Carmilla had asked him. He had plenty planned was the obvious and honest answer. But it was questionable whether he should tell another student considering it involved the Doge. Even then, Leon was only following his orders to get some information out of the Arch Zeno's tower. As far as the rest of the events, he was in the dark and helpless as anybody else. [color=fff200][b]"Am I supposed to have anything planned? I came here to learn magic not topple some great magical conspiricy. I mean lets say one of the Arch Zeno's is in kahoots with the Traveller and he plans to erase the five rulers. What are we going to do, sprinkling colourful lights in his face?"[/b][/color] Leon joked with a laugh at the end. [color=fff200][b]"To answer your question, I have nothing planned for now. I just wish to define a circle of trust. Maybe with enough of us, we stand a chance of against what's to come. If the abberations and assassinations are anything to go by, there could be danger on the horizon."[/b][/color] Is he truly just trying to play at being a hero? She pondered. It was possible to see shadows of his real personality when he had his guard down but that in itself was a problem. It meant if Leon was focused on lying, there were no telltale signs. It was probably a result of years of experience as a performer. [color=881515][b]"I see. Yes, there is strength and safety in numbers,"[/b][/color] she responded. [color=fff200][b]"I'm glad you agree. This could be the start of a good partnership. I'll be thinking up group names should this circle start expanding."[/b][/color] Leon joked as he stood up from the conversation. [color=fff200][b]"With that, I would say were are just about out of time. I wish you good luck in your next classes."[/b][/color] Carmilia nodded courteously. [color=881515][b]"See you soon, Leon."[/b][/color] [hr]