HEY! So, it was a reeeally long time ago when I first joined up and had to leave a couple of times because life finds a way (to mess up your hobbies), but I find myself with a more stable schedule after all this time so I have returned though I doubt anyone remembers me. [b]I[/b] can't even remember me! I just cannot for the life of me remember what my username was. Ah well. I suck at introducing myself so I'll just say a bunch of things and hope it makes sense. I've been roleplaying forever, but I believe this place was my first exposure to forum roleplay. I did that for a while then moved onto another format/site, which I'm still on but admittedly still leaves me feeling like I'm not getting everything I could be out of RP! As for my RP prefs, I am usually super open to trying new things and crazy ideas, but the one common theme that I always love is horror. I'm also an artist and I talk a lot about video games, though lately, I've only really been playing Zelda BoTw. I tend to go through phases of playing ONE THING AND ONE THING ONLY for months. I like bad horror movies, great horror movies, and weird horror movies. And bugs. Anyway, it's super nice to be back and I look forward to (re)getting to know this place!