[@Kumbaris] [@Serat] [@Forsythe] [@Ozzy Cross] Shina watched as her companions were tied up and they were led through the forest. All the while feeling angry, helpless and generally annoyed with their situation. How could they have come so far just to be caught by this group of elves. Lapoo flew around her head, worried squeaks escaped her, but at least they hadn't tried to catch her...or worse. Lapoo sat on her shoulder. 'It's OK little buddy, we won't be here long...I hope' The dense forest they had walked through had started to thin out, as they walked the could see the start of a clearing. Shina gasped as she saw so many faces surrounding what looked like a makeshift arena! And within it - stood a very tired Thaddeus and the man she knew must be Nemnon. It looked like they had already started their sparring, Thaddeus had wounds on his arms and blood on his face. [color=green] 'Thaddeus!' [/color] Shina cried out. She also realised that his son must have seen his father in the ring.