[img]https://i.ibb.co/rtvdswm/divider-line-02.png[/img] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BBwjC6T.png[/img][/center] [img]https://i.ibb.co/rtvdswm/divider-line-02.png[/img] Between Lilac Shimmer and Burning Heart’s actions, the Pageless had little time to prepare an attack against the Magical Girls. Quite a few of them were ragdolled around by Lilac Shimmer’s devasting moves that left dents and cracks wherever they fell from the sheer force of her tosses and blows. Truly, the area would need a heavy cleansing of magic to put everything back in functional order by the time all was said and done. The Pageless reacted as they did, clawing and swiping defensively if only because they were suddenly attacked. Those that survived Lilac Shimmer were soon crushed and burned under the miraculous tails sprouted from Burning Heart. The revamped confidence in the foreign Magical Girl caused a good deal of the Pageless to melt where they stood as armor slagged and slogged against their shadowy frames. They dispersed into dark wisps when it became too much, the tell-tale sign of their defeat. Those that remained fled manically with no direction or guidance given. However, they all eventually flocked towards the moving Moonlight Tsubasa who, to their alien surprise, was being attacked by her fellow Magical Girls. This registered contradiction was lost on the Pageless. In their diminishing number they chose to clumsily hide themselves like knights to their queen behind the kimono-clad Magical Girl and her familiars. By now the sky was a bleak gray on all sides of London. Such weather was to be expected for the course of the city and the rain eventually reached Camelot and her team’s location. The Pageless ran around in danceless circles as the downpour began, yet kept their proximity close once more to Moonlight Tsubasa. Miles away was the answer to the sudden shift in weather that was more than just London’s fickle nature. The great daunting force that was the Pageless stared back down at Lumière’s team with its unyielding eyes that was the only source of light in the dark clouds. Even now its gaze didn’t flicker or move and the massive body of darkness that was the Pageless remained still and stoic. This hesitation allowed the Magical Girls to clamor together their own plan and take to the skies to divert the fight away from the land below. By now all civilians were indoors, their days ruined by the sudden outcrop of bad luck weather as far as they were concerned. For those that still lingered, they too felt an unconscious surge to move indoors as if compelled by an unseen force much like the safely deposited citizens in the construction site. But that was neither here nor there when the threat still loomed beyond. As Lumière and her team approached the stormy Pageless the golden eyes flickered briefly. It was the only warning given to the girls. Something suddenly slammed into Captain Goodhope with enough force to smack her off Thyerg’Xolys and send her plummeting in the air. The very same force moved with an unseen speed that collided into the Lady of the Lake as well. Only the howling whistle of the wind was indicative of movement in the air even as the Pageless’ eyes stared hauntingly. The closer they approached, the more the eyes flickered almost as if…. [hr]