[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tfV5JeK.png[/img] Level 5: 29/50 Word Count: Short Location: Apex of the World Points Gained: 1 NEW EXP balance--- Level 5: 30/50[/center] Jesse watched Raz climb up on the statues. “Yeah. I think they’re holding up this big ringer. I’m not exactly sure how upside down bell physics work, but if these statues broke I bet they’d make a big noise. Maybe something magical would happen.” Jesse said with a shrug. Raz voiced his doubts about killing the monster. “Honestly kid, all I know about that monster is that it matches the description.” The Director said. “We have to kill the champions. I don’t know how we tell what is or isn’t a guardian, or how we got the description in the first place or who knows what a guardian looks like.” She rolled her shoulder, a habit of hers. “All I know is some secret organization made of enemies of Galeem are apparently backing us Seekers up. And apparently a lady told us what the Champion looks like.” Jesse said. “I just hope I backed the right horse. I’m kinda wingin’ it here. Not like that’s anything new for me or anyone else.” Jesse squinted up at Phalanx, spotting the tiny dots of the Seekers on top of it. Once again she took in the expansive scope of the bell, and the very long walk she would have to take to get to the center of it and it’s ringer. It was a [i]very[/i] big bell. One could fit a city inside. Jesse looked at the statues holding up the ringer again. If she squinted, she could see more around the rim. What would happen if they broke all of them and let whatever they were holding up fall? Her desire to help was matched by her curiosity. This World of Light was full of wonders. Even just a little while ago, she encountered a mysterious monster that the others had missed. She’d have to tell them that story later. “There’s a non-zero chance this entire bell is an Altered Item of some kind. And if I know my boss fights, sometimes you have to summon the boss. Or maybe the boss of this area is just a weird floating snake that doesn’t do shit. Or maybe the giant snake is going to get really really angry and power up if Midna and the others mess with it. I really don’t know. In my experience it’s best to just go for it and see what happens. If they kill that giant snake and nothing happens, we should ring the bell and see if an even bigger monster comes out.” She had a very casual attitude about the whole thing.