Thank you for stopping in and checking out my ideas and plots. -Bows gratefully- I work night shift and looking for some rp partners to help pass the night. I go by Kilin it's an old nickname I was given and happens to also be the first character I ever made. She's an amazing character that if you are interested in I would be happy to fill you in on something I have in mind for her just let me know. I am not the best in my grammar but i am working on it and get better with it. I usually make sure my post is at least spell checked and minor things fixed. So if you think you can deal with that and are willing to give me a shot then let us continue on. Now on to the ones I have up, and what I am looking for in a partner. Looking for * Long or short term, active partner (I am highly active on this site and check it a good amount of the day I realise not everyone is like that but I'm hoping to find an RP partner that can post once a day hopefully) * pm posting * Creative (i love expanding and talking idea's and more) * More than a one-liner (I'm no million paragraph writer but I can post at least up to two full paragraphs and more depending on my partner) * Another person that likes to have some darkness to the story or plot. Plot ideas and what im intrested in. The * ones are the ones im hoping to play or create something with Anthro ~ Human Lord ~ Peasant Princess/Lady ~ merc/ bandit **** Highland lass ~ Viking ***** Master ~ Slave Werewolf ~ Human **** Hunter ~ Hunted Demon ~ Witch New World (would love to do his one with anthros but can be used for time travel or to a world of Viking like humans) Mc finds a ring in a book and magical is transported to another world or back to médiéval times (can be with or without magic) My character finds herself falling through a portal of some kind and waking in a new world that is nothing like earth that she left behind at all. I even have a Few D&D story plots that I would love to discuss and even look at rping out with someone. These are the main ones I'm wanting to talk and try and figure out with a partner. If interested please hit me up. Here are some simple pairings if anyone is interested and we can come up with something fun.