[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220226/9664f46dad99d1730bcefcdcfd4e3e71.png[/img][/center] [color=C9C0BB]StarClan, he hated this. The way that other cats were staring at him and Embersky made his pelt prickle. He glanced at Adderpaw and Cloudpaw, relieved that they were looking at the older medicine cats rather than them. Sagecloud's expression had clearly changed, a scowl marring his jaw as he glared up at Dawnstar and Whitestar. Gullbreeze, on the other paw, yawned and looked just as bored as ever. Oh, if only he could slip away and run all of the way back home, he certainly would. He was half-tempted to tell Embersky he didn't want to go to Gatherings for a while, after this, but he was frightened what Dawnstar would think. Why were cats even acting like they were the bad guys, anyway? He didn't think it was that good of an idea, but it wasn't like Dawnstar and Whitestar would force the other Clans to join them. They even said they wouldn't! Whitestar yowled again. [b]"That is enough! We did not come here to argue. We only wished to deliver the news to the rest of the Clans on the other side of the island."[/b] His fur, once smooth and solid against his lithe figure, had puffed up a bit as his eyes blazed. He whirled around to Spiderstar. [b]"If StarClan was so against our plans, then they would have reached out to every medicine cat across the four Clans-- perhaps even warriors or apprentices, leaders as well. Has [i]anyone [/i]had any dreams? Surely you would have brought it up by now!"[/b] [b]"Your words are full of cunning, Whitestar,"[/b] Coyotestar hissed back. Her eyes blazed as she stared at both of the leaders. [b]"You may do as you wish, but I don't want to have relations with a Clan that goes against the very tradition that we were all raised on."[/b] [b]"Like we said, no one is forcing you to do so,"[/b] the leader of FireClan flicked his tail. His voice was tinged with the remnants of frustration. Coyotestar snarled again. [b]"Then I say this Gathering is [i]over[/i]."[/b] The large white tom dipped his head. [b]"Very well. Perhaps we shall see each other in the next moon."[/b] [b]"Perhaps, though I would not count on RainClan being there when it happens,"[/b] the she-cat growled before rising up from her seat and leaping to the ground below. Albatrosspaw's eyes flicked across the rows of stirring cats. Each respective Clan was slowly trickling out, though he still caught a heated glare from both RainClan and DarkClan cats. StarClan, even some FireClan cats glowered at them like they were enemies. His tail fluffed out, and he felt the fur along his back begin to rise. Luckily, before he asked Embersky if they could leave, Sagecloud got up to his paws and gazed at them with an unreadable expression. [b]"Goodbye. We'll see each other on the half-moon, at least?"[/b] He looked to the other medicine cats wearily. Gullbreeze shrugged and got up to her paws before stretching out her slender body. [b]"I suppose."[/b] The white and gray apprentice looked up at his mentor. He prayed that he would be reasonable and treat the other medicine cats amiably. He didn't know what would happen if they all started hating each other as well. [color=646D7E][i]Something terrible, I think,[/i][/color] he thought to himself. Albatrosspaw frowned, ducking behind Embersky and flicking his tail nervously. [/color]