[center][h3]Tora, Poppi, and Big Band[/h3] [b]Location:[/b] Sandswept Sky - Apex of the World Level 9 Tora (145/90) Level 9 Poppi (145/90) Level 5 Big Band (85/50) Midna’s [@DracoLunaris], Fox’s [@Dawnrider], Sectonia’s [@Archmage MC], Primrose and Therion’s [@Yankee], Raz’s [@TruthHurts22], the Phantom Thieves, Braum, the Scout, Peacock, Mao, Robin, Tharja, Ciella [b]Word Count:[/b] 1270[/center] Phalanx put up quite the struggle, curling and swerving through on the winds as it strove to rid itself of its unwelcome riders, but the Seekers stayed the course, and while some of their more terrestrial members tumbled off into the wild blue yonder, a few others managed to close the distance. In prime condition thanks to the full restore and with their flight abilities still bolstered by the afterglow that brought them up the mountain, they chased the sky leviathan down and grabbed hold. Tora and Poppi might have beaten Midna to the punch if not for the unlucky twist of a colossal fin in their direction, brushing them aside. But even that misfortune only delayed the inevitable. Their enemy’s panicked thrashing soon subsided, and as Phalanx evened out, the dynamic driver-blade duo closed in on the final sigil. They swooped in for a landing while Midna and her wolves worked at the covering, ready to help pry it away from the weak spot should the Twilight Princess need another couple hands, but their friend managed just fine. A little dimensional sorcery brought a vicious-looking dagger to Midna’s hand as she prepared to strike the decisive blow, so Tora and Poppi stood by. While excited by the locale, the momentous occasion of a battle against Galeem’s chosen Guardian, and the high-flying daredevil action, neither were particularly tense or worried. All things considered, especially their previous boss battles, this seemed pretty uneventful so far. Of course, neither imagined that this moment would be the end of the fight, either. Fights against gigantic beasts in their own world made them very well acquainted with foes with utterly absurd levels of vitality. Surely more weakspots would reveal themselves, or additional enemies would appear to complicate things, or it would change forms, or…something. As nice as it would be to have a cake walk for once, nothing worth doing ever ended up being simple. At the last moment, however, Midna paused. Tora looked on for a moment, confusion mounting, as she lowered the blade, but not into the runic flesh. She then let the fin fall, which clamped down over the sigil with such force and noise that Tora nearly jumped straight off Phalanx’ back. By that time, Big Band, Joker, and Skull were close enough to hear her announcement, which only gave rise to further bafflement among her allies. “...Middypon serious?” Tora asked after a moment, brows furrowed, but the shadow hand she placed on the fin to hold it down -in essence, keeping it safe from her fellow Seekers- told him she was. It took him another brief moment to overcome the ridiculousness of having a moral debate in the blistering wind atop a titanic monster’s back above the clouds, but Tora soon found his tongue. “Meh meh!? Why!?” the Nopon called back to her. “If Midna not want kill animal, just fly off and squeeze eyes shut while Tora do it, meh!” He held up and activated the Variable Saber, its vibrant laser blade ready to burn deep into Phalanx’ flesh. “Tora do this all the time, like with Stoyan and Reginald. Death just natural part of life for all animals, especially big meany ones that probably deserve it! We not come all this way for nothing, Midna! Here, let Tora at it!” Despite his protests Midna remained adamant, which made the Nopon a little frustrated. “You go crazypon or something? We right on cusp of big-big victory! Here, Poppi!” He turned to his companion. “Use superstrength to get open again!” The artificial blade hesitated, not because of the potential harm to the colossus, but because doing so meant directly opposing her ally’s will. “Poppi not know, Masterpon…” “Mehhh! [i]Please[/i] use superstrength?” Tora reiterated, serving the nicety alongside a helping of exasperation. “That not it!” Poppi snapped, looking between her creator and the Twilight Princess. “Think about what Masterpon asking! Poppi not want go against Midna. Even if she seem crazy we should talk it over first.” A moment later, one of Ciella’s mighty arrows of despair ripped into Phalanx’ flight bladder like a raging typhoon, piercing through the membrane and exploding on the inner wall of the opposite side. As yellow gas streamed from the rupture the colossus began to pitch downward, descending from on high now that it couldn’t keep itself up as well. From the rocky precipice where she’d taken aim at the creature from below, Ciella did not smile, but tightened her grip on her greatbow with renewed focus. Confident that she’d be able to bring the creature down this way even if bullseye shots eluded her, the Agito slowly pulled taught her bowstring once more, condensing a torrent of water for another spiral arrow. Meanwhile, the others had fanned out across Jondo from the point at which they entered, searching for anything that might be of use for their communal efforts against Galeem’s champion. From their distance the ground team avoided experiencing even the token difference that Phalanx mounted against the fliers, which helped make its total lack of meaningful threat so impactful that Raz down below started having the same doubts that Midna soon would up above. After a cursory examination of the surrounding area, Robin couldn’t help but agree. “You may have a point. While I can offer no further hints at the moment, if this truly is our foe, one whose existence directly serves to protect Galeem…it does seem rather too easy, does it not?” Tharja had her narrowed eyes on the statues, attempting to divine their purpose. “The chains…” she murmured. “The ringer. They’re not holding it up. They’re holding it in place.” Jesse, however, was two steps ahead. She’d run through the situation in her mind from both a practical and meta perspective, and everything was coming up ‘destruction’. Simply put, if they didn’t do anything with the tools at their disposal, nothing was going to change. Her ideas concerning the functionality of the bell in the boss fight garnered some interest, but it took a couple choice words from Primrose to make those above Jondo begin to see Phalanx in a new light. “A decoy, yes…and the bell…” Robin repeated with a slow nod. “That would make sense.” His eyes turned toward the craggy pass where the climbers came in, and the reinforcements appeared via portcrystal. “The challengers arise, beset by a grueling climb. Up soars the creature, enormous and impossible to miss, but easy pickings for a well-armed force. For those seeking a quick end to their ordeal, the day is soon won…” He walked over to join Tharja, who knelt at the edge of the bridge staring down into the darkness. “What was that the pilgrim said? It was built to ring across the land, but ‘now Jondo resoundeth in a deep triune moan’...” Therion’s consultation turned up no definitive information, other than reinforcement of the bell’s importance. Coolheaded and reasonable, he seemed averse to the idea of sounding this mountain-entombed instrument, but his friend Primrose seemed resolute, and Robin agreed. With Jesse raring to go, the course of action seemed obvious. “Looks like we have a plan. Once all four statues are broken, the bell should be free to ring. Shall we divide and conquer?” “Allow me!” Braum declared, as bombastic as ever. “Ever since that villainous hand appeared I’ve been itching to break something, and if it helps the team, all the better!” Mao stepped forward, his hands in his pockets. “Finally, some action. Just busting a statue, is it?” His mechanical arms roared to life, ready for some industrial-scale disassembly. “No sweat.” [center][h3]The Chalk Prince, the Fallen Child, the Skeleton, and the Skullgirl[/h3] [b]Location:[/b] Frozen Highlands - Snowdin Linkle’s [@Gentlemanvaultboy], Frisk’s [@Majoras End], Papyrus’ [@Dark Cloud][/center] With Treat feeling quite a bit better, more welcome, and even a little wiser, the general mood of those basking in the cozy little household’s crackling fireplace was suitably warm and bright. While the goodwill was flowing, Linkle took the opportunity to request medical assistance for herself as well, and her host quickly assented. “Right, yeah, comin’ right up.” She performed her dance once more, and in a matter of seconds Linkle found herself suffused by the healer’s ether magic as well. Its reconstructive power knitted together her wounds and breaks, and though the pain of injury did not reach the Skullgirl as it once did, any chance to be whole once more was a welcome one. “Though you can forget about that ‘miss’ guff,” the cat-eared girl added with a casual smile. “The name’s Nia.” She glanced over at her big, fluffy companion. “I’m guessin’ Dromarch already introduced himself?” “But of course, my lady,” the tiger replied with a polite bow of his head. “So, you’re lookin’ for an internet, hm?” After laying her ringblades on the coffee table, Nia crossed her arms. “Well, I’ve ‘eard of an etha net, but I ‘aven’t seen one, and it wouldn’t be of much use on anythin’ but Blades anyway. As for an ‘ospital…” For a moment Nia and Dromarch exchanged a glance. Then the healer’s brows shot up, and she looked back. “Surely ya don’ mean Mount Massive? That en’t just some ‘ospital, it’s a flippin’ insane asylum! And from what I’ve ‘eard, it en’t empty, eitha!” Full of genuine concern, she searched the group as if for confirmation that they were serious. “You lot sure ya can’t find an internet anywhere else?” The news left Albedo less than pleased. “Well, that seems far from ideal,” he admitted. “It really is rather important that we find one, and we can handle ourselves in a fight should it come to it, but if this facility is unable to assist us in this regard perhaps we should seek an alternative.” He took a deep breath, his face contemplative. “Rather than try our luck with additional points of interest scattered around the Highlands, perhaps it is past time I struck out beyond my comfort zone.” He turned to look at Linkle. “To the northwest lies Dragonspine, a mountain from my home. It is where I spent most of my time back then, and when I am not in Snowdin, it is where I spend most of my time now. On clear days, I can look out from its heights across the ocean, past the floating obelisk you mentioned before, and see a sprawling cityscape upon the water. A city of frozen canals and great arched bridges, and buildings shaped like pumpkins with icicles the size of trees hanging from their frosty witches’ hats. The size and distance of the place are somewhat…well, intimidating. Only once did I seek out a boatman, and though I did not enlist his services, I did learn the city’s name.” As he spoke, he produced his sketchbook, and after some flipping arrived at a two-page that he then turned on Linkle in all its [url=https://i.imgur.com/Azw7wML.jpg]glory[/url]. “Edinburgh MagicaPolis.” If the Skullgirl wanted a closer look, he offered her the book for her to hold. “If what we seek is a product of what they call ‘advanced society’, surely we will find it there.” Nia leaned herself against Dromarch, putting an arm around his neck and absently scratching his chest. “Well, good luck with all that, then! As for me, I’ll be stayin’ nice and warm at home, thanks!” “Indeed,” Albedo offered a rare smile, even if the expression didn’t reach his eyes. “That said, that is but one possibility, and we cannot go anywhere until Treat’s well-being is assured” “Oh! I’m fine!” the wolfgirl fretted, content to listen and not at all expecting that she’d be brought to the forefront of the conversation. “Please, don’t worry about me!” The alchemist furrowed his brows. “Don't worry? After we found the house you’ve been squatting in has been haunted by a giant monster for who-knows-how-many months? Surely such a thing is only natural.” “Well, you know..” Treat began. “Listen for a moment, Treat,” Albedo cut in, his voice soft but stern. “You have been through a great deal, suffering in isolation and silence. But the way you are treating yourself is self-destructive. Almost prideful. All we want is to get you back on your feet, and to show you that you do not have to be alone. Seldom do I insist on anything, but if our efforts mean anything to you, please stop devaluing and effacing yourself, and accept the help of others, little though it is.” “Exactly!” Nia just about exclaimed. “I mean, I don’t know for sure what you’ve been through, poor thing. That monster bit especially, that’s pretty freaky if true. But, take it from me, ya can’t run away forever. Sooner or later you’ll ‘ave to find where you belong, and there’s no shame if it takes someone else to teach that to ya. If it’s pride, swallow it. If it’s fear, face it. But whatever it is, it’s better than livin’ a lie–even if that lie is just ‘everythin’s fine’.” She gave Dromarch a final scratch and pulled away to put her hands on her hips. “So, whaddya need, if ya don’t mind me askin’?” Treat looked terribly uncomfortable, but also touched. Though she felt a hair’s breadth from melting away, she took a deep breath of her own, and pushed through. “W-well, I guess I need somewhere new to stay.” “How ‘bout ‘ere?” Nia ventured instantly. “I mean, it’s nothin’ too special. Pretty quiet, nothin’ ever happens. But it’s nice, and Dromarch ‘ere is the best friend anyone could ever ask for.” The tiger bowed his head. “You give me too much credit, my lady.” After regaining his posture, he fixed his temperate, azure gaze on Treat. “I must concur. I would be honored to extend to you my hospitality. It would also behoove my lady to make a friend near her age, as well.” “Can’t force ya or anythin’, but it’s a pretty good deal, eh?’ Nia grinned. “Why not stay the night at least, see ‘ow ya feel? Not like ya got anywhere else to go, right?” Treat mulled it over, but the fact that she wasn’t brushing off the offer said a lot already. As abrupt as this arrangement stood to be, it was true she didn’t have a lot of options. Between her chill but cordial fellow beastgirl Nia and the prestigious Papyrus, she already had a preference forming.