[center][img]https://www.mariowiki.com/images/thumb/b/b2/Koopa_Troop_artwork.png/658px-Koopa_Troop_artwork.png[/img] [h2][color=FD0000]The Koopa Troop[/color][/h2] [b][color=FD0000]wordcount:[/color][/b] 1,328 (+3) [b][color=FD0000]Bowser: Level 10 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=FD0000]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color] (176/100) [b][color=SpringGreen]Bowser Jr: Level 9 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=SpringGreen]/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color] (146/90) [b][color=DeepSkyBlue]Kamek: Level 10 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=DeepSkyBlue]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color]////////////////////////////////////////(66/100) [b][color=FD0000]Location:[/color][/b] Bottomless Sea – Carcass Isle Feat: Rika [/center] Soon enough, Jr had finished up his bit of artistry, though considering he’d painted the city several times over at this point, it was more by rote than by any kind of inspiration that it turned out so well. [color=SpringGreen]”Good luck I’ll, uh, meet you back at Peach’s castle yeah?”[/color] He said to Kamek and Rika. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Stay safe young master. We’ll see you soon”[/color] the mage replied with a tired nod, while Rika waved and said “yeah, see you soon!” and then a few moments later after jr had vanished into the painting she asked “Wait, Peach has a castle?!” [hr] A swarm of colorful bubbles appeared in the air just in front of the entrance to Alcamoth and then coalesced into the form of jr, who dropped to the ground and nearly toppled over from the weight of his busted up clown car that he was carrying. [color=SpringGreen]”Geeze I am tired”[/color] the boy complained, getting a “Mi kyu” of agreement from Mimi as he stepped forwards to let other people land. Just going off to bed was oh so tempting, but the little prince was too worried about his dad to throw himself onto the nearest soft surface. Or to be more specific, he was worried about what his dad would do as a result of him worrying about his son. So he shook his head, yelled at the closest person he could find to get them to babysit his broken vehicle, and then pushed forwards, leading the way back to Limsa via another warp painting. Upon his arrival, the prince looked up at the looming city and realized he might have a problem. [color=SpringGreen]”Wait… where in the world is he gonna be?!”[/color] [hr] Back on the haunted island Rika and Kamek lead the way in going to check out the state of the strange prostrating sea-folk/monsters. Or, to be more specific, Kamek’s doppelgangers lead the way well ahead of the rest of the group, because the mage would be damned if anyone even took a scratch at this late an hour. Fortunately this proved to be unnecessary, at least initially. The scout clone meandered into the cave and found those within had been freed both from Galeem and from whatever power had been making them bow down towards the orphan and its corpse of a mother, but left dazed and confused by the result. Even the undead/mutated horrors and Pelagics which Kamek somewhat assumed would be hostile weren't doing much more than stumbling around or sitting still trying to recover their senses. That said, soon enough they would regain them, and then this place would go off like a powder keg. The mage said as much to the others in a whispered tone [color=DeepSkyBlue]”We need to be very very careful here. Things could get nasty at any second”[/color] “Then we’d better get the nice people out before it does…” Rika replied, before scanning over the mass of sea life and realizing that would not be an easy task at first glance. Kamek started boiling down the crowd of creatures into groups of things they knew were hostile and/or mindless, while Rika just went with the answer she knew was right, which involved strapping her gauntlets to her back and then moving into the mass of creatures, carefully picking her way through them towards the [url=https://i.imgur.com/TQKKbkg.png]two[/url] dazed [url=https://imgur.com/tA4PjCZ]Princesses[/url]. “Psst. Hey. Hi, I know you're confused and stuff but we need to go before things get messy, ok? You’ll be safe with us, I promise” She said, once she’d snuck up to them, gently taking each of them by a hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze, and then trying to gently guide them back towards the relative safety of the exit of the cave. Kamek meanwhile wasn’t going to take the same risk, both out of self preservation and out of the pragmatism that someone needed to be standing back and ready to intervene if things did go wrong. So instead he was using his clones to test the waters with the other creatures. Or quietly eliminate the worst of them, which a pair of red clones were doing by shuffling around non threateningly and then point blank spell blasting the horrifically mutated victims of the Pelagic Plague into dust. For the others she used a pair of greens as envoys to attempt to gauge their friendliness, which didn’t get any particularly good result. On awoke an atlantean fish man by waving friendlyly in its face till it got his attention. The fish man took one look at the situation and then promptly [url=https://cdn.wikimg.net/en/strategywiki/images/4/45/Dom3_Atlantis_WarLobster.gif]mounted its giant lobster of a steed[/url] and rode it on out of there with nare a word to anyone else. Another gently poked a [url=https://i.imgur.com/aWMBjn9.png]Tonberry[/url] and offered its hand to shake, only for the deceptively cute creature shake its head clear, give the most fowl look at this stranger and then it draw a large kitchen knife from its robes with which it proceeded to [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/terrabattle/images/d/d9/Tonberry_(Enemy).png]shank[/url] the green clone, killing it in a single hit. Then it turned and stabbed the nearest thing to it, which was a massive crab like [url=https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/elderscrolls/images/e/e0/Land_Dreugh_Oblivion_transparent.png]Dreugh[/url]... and killed it in one hit too. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Oh dear”[/color] was the mage’s understated response to this unintended first domino he’d tipped. [hr] Out on the waves beyond Limsa, the Koopa King slapped himself fully awake as he heard the rumbling towards him from behind. The king, who had been sailing back along the route they had set off that morning at a painfully slow pace, turned, bristling for a fight, then growled at what he saw and proceeded to yell [color=FD0000]”Go away! You couldn’t stop me going after my boy once Brinybeared, and you ain’t gonna pull it off this time either,”[/color] at the approaching form of Shippy. “Ah give it a rest you stubborn seashark. You’ve not even gotten outa sight of the city” the old sailor shouted back, “besides, I’ve got your boy right here. Told you you shoulda just stayed put, ya had him worried sick, going off all on your own like that!” [color=FD0000]”I couldn’t just sit there, waiting and biting my claws off while… wait what did you say?”[/color] Bowser shouted back, only for his own tired mind to catch up with the latter half of Brinybeared’s sentence, just in time for jr to appear, hopping up and hanging off the railing to shout [color=SpringGreen]”Papa!”[/color] at his dad. The king blinked a few times and then went racing back towards the ship, jumping aboard and scooping up his son with a [color=FD0000]”Junior! I’m so glad you're ok!”[/color] before the two embraced while the old sea dog laughed quietly to himself and turned them back towards the safety of the city. [hr] Kamek carefully stepped around the dazed denizens of the weld and planted her wand against the back of the Tonberry’s head, the serial knife murderer fast asleep thanks to an expertly placed sleeping dart in its neck, courtesy of the End. The mage’s two red clones joined her, and together they put a permanent end to the endlessly vengeful creature’s life with bolt after bolt of point blank spellpower. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”Ech, I am quite sick of this place”[/color] the mage cursed as she picked up the spirit of it and the crab thing it had killed and hurried her way back towards the far end of the cavern, where Rika was trying to explain things to the two princesses. [color=DeepSkyBlue]”I don't suppose anyone has a better way of dealing with this, because I’m starting to think this might be a lost cause. Baring the two we've already pulled out of this mess, every one/thing in here does not seem to be of the friendly variety”[/color] she said, conscious of how her own attempt was causing a stir among the nearby survivors. Somewhere slinking away into the depths of the weld like the lobster rider had done, but while Kamek had done her best to dispose of the close by guaranteed threats, it was only a matter of time before things went completely pear shaped.