[color=silver][h2][center]Stella Lumite[/center][/h2][/color] [hider=inventory]GP: 1200 Items: PokeBall 3x[/hider] Nice! "[color=silver]Good job, Kaebe. Rest for now.[/color]" She'd noticed the jolt of energy dancing on his skin. When she checked her Pokedex, it confirmed for her; he was paralyzed. First, though, she better grab her PokeBall. With a glance at get Pokedex, "[color=silver]Oh, 'her'.[/color]" The Pokedex told her most things. The things she needed to know, like information on her vitality, and her known moves. Not much strength left, and Kaebe was paralyzed. Well... She had a potion, and the next Pokemon she wanted was a one of those little bluebirds she saw before. The electric type would be excellent. She remembered something she'd read about Yamper, once. Joltic. Joltic would often feed off of a Yamper's electricity. Weren't they tiny? She scanned her surroundings carefully. Sure couldn't remember specifically how big they were supposed to be... Could she lure it? "[color=silver]Kaebe, come here, please? I know you're not feeling the best.[/color]" She turned to the Blipbug on her shoulder, "[color=silver]Ocul, keep an eye out for a Joltic. There might be one around here.[/color]" Could she lure it over with the electric paralysis of her Tyrunt? If it was here, she hoped it would work.