[center][h1]Colyne Valcal[/h1] 1st of Last Seed 3E 433 Kvatch [h2][b]* * *[/b][/h2] [/center] “Insight actually.” Colyne stepped past the priest who motioned her in, turning sharply to the side to avoid brushing against him. As the Crusader entered the Chapel of Akatosh she marveled at it’s splendor, as grandiose as it was on the outside it was even more so on the inside. It’s magnificent stone pillars held the ceiling high over the heads of those who stood within while the colored glass windows showed a radiance unique to the cozy confines of the temple. Great lanterns hung high between the pillars, their dim homey light shimmering across the stones and the glass adding to the reflective glow of the latter. The priest closed the door behind them snapping Colyne from her momentary reverence. Her chest felt tight, her throat dry. She had come to the Chapel of Akatosh seeking answers about the dreams that hounded her sleep and now that she was here she did not even know how to begin. [i]Well, I can start with telling him who I am…[/i] Colyne thought, having noticed the look of reserved concern on the priests’ face when she passed into the Chapel. “Allow me to introduce myself,” Colyne turned to the priest, giving a half-bow, “I am Colyne Valcal, a Crusader of Stendarr, God of Righteous Might and Merciful Forbearance.” Standing upright she continued, “I arrived in Cyrodiil a few days ago on my way to the Chapel of Stendarr in Chorrol.” Colyne paused, allowing her host to process her words as she stepped towards a nearby pew. Rather than take a seat she merely leaned forward, propping herself up on the backrest with both hands. She felt her fatigue settling upon her as she looked absently ahead over the rows of pews. She felt a sudden desire to stretch out on one of them and just rest. Perhaps sleeping within the cradling arms of the holy place would shelter her from the dreams and allow her some peace. That alone she thought would be a worthy boon at this point. Realizing the priest had said something she exhaled loudly and turned to face him, forcing a tired apologetic smile as she stepped back from her prop, “I’m sorry… I haven’t slept well in days. Ive barely slept at all. I’ve been having these… haunting and vivid dreams that torment me at night leaving me weary and disquiet. I came here seeking insight or at least perhaps a blessing or remedy to help stave these dreams off. Could we sit? I can tell you from the beginning, Brother…?” Colyne trailed off in a questioning tone, requesting the priests’ name which she imagined he had already given her when she was daydreaming.